
Retreats to Afghanistan are an important symbol and legacy for the Federal Government

Retreats to Afghanistan are an important symbol and legacy for the Federal Government

Germany shoots 28 Afghan criminals in its homeland. It is a good idea to help everyone see the state as a means of power and to solve a problem.

Es geht yes but: Germany has abgeschoben 28 afghanische Straftäter in ihr Heimatland. Auch wenn 28 Menschen nicht groß ins Weight has fallen – there is a sign of weight Signal, a weighty Symbolik: The German State is neither handlungsfähig nor in the Low, Menschen nach Hause zu schicken, die kein Recht haben, herezubleiben. And the roads to here are very narrow. Verhaltens are not wollt.

About people who are in the asylum police with the Greens or the CSU who quit: there has become a person who cannot give any answer to a humanitarian problem. And we do not dare to stay, Germany must be abandoned again. One of these punks is a complizier to become. The problem can be solved in Germany for a year. For example, the home countries must be prepared, their citizens must also return. This is often not the case.

It would be fatal if politics were to enter the fight and join the fight. If you put an end to the abolition, you can no longer incur debts and no longer resign “Geht stop nicht”. Yes, it is difficult, but it is now the task of the Regierungspolitikern: difficult tasks to solve. The treatise is no longer the same as that of the state. An RTL/ntv Umfrage said: Fast all fragments in German abroad, such as Criminal Courts from Syria and Afghanistan. These investigations cannot be ignored.

The edition has been made?

The theme of migration has priority for many people. It is separated from waiting. And even more: ​​it is a separation between the acceptance and a free democracy. It takes a long time before the question, the state that the management of the Zuwanderung – ücht gewachsen is, observes.

Dammit the people are willing to accept, recognize your values, you must function, you will be able to enjoy your home, which you do not dare to do. Bei Straftätern gold plated tie in special size. After the Bundesregierung has started, it is now no longer possible to organize the organization. The start of the research: people’s interest in this country is more important when it comes to the tradable Straftätern in Afghanistan.

The Mittler Qatar must take over the Federal Government with the Taliban business. That is not beautiful. If you make direct and indirect contact with the Islamist terrorist group. Although it is not possible to fight the extremists in Kabul. It is possible that this price is asked whether there is a high degree of damage. But also true: Very safe solutions, which only have advantages, are rare. For everything in politics.

Good timing

Was the alternative? The Alternative has received its dismissal “Do not stop”. After the death of Solingen and Mannheim and after Germany in the past year there are more than 300,000 asylum seekers and a large Ukrainian revival hat, where you are few. The Federal Government must prove, that is neither in the Low, nor in trade. It does not take long to be a person and a party, a single minister or the Ampel-insgesamt. It is a fragment from the German State, nor its own rules by the gesetzt bekommt.

So kurz nach de Morden von Solingen stimulates the timing. It is a natural Zufall. The preparations for the flug would take longer. Das Signal, davon ausgeht, dare to meet those people in Saxony and Thuringia. Am Sonntag wählen sie new Landtage. It is a fact that the Landtagswahlkämpfe are selected in the Bundesthemen that dominate. Eines davon: Zuwanderung und gescheiterte Abschiebungen. So start with the Abschiebeflug nach Kabul jene Menschen, die in de Fußgängerzonen stehen en Menschen von een Grundhaltung überzeugen wollen: Democrats can solve the problems in the Landes and let go.