
Check out half of the youthful Influencer Recruitment ab

Check out half of the youthful Influencer Recruitment ab

You will see this Transparenz-Check 73 Prozent derjenigen, de internet utilities, dass de Grenze swissen Unterhaltung und Werbung in Sozialen Medien oft nicht indeutig ist. 68 examples of clear rules for how the influencer works were found. Generell inheritance sich werbung in Social Media im Vergleich zu others Mediengattungen keiner großen Believe, it would tend to seltener akzeptiert. 50 Prozent legends, they do not or never find Werbespots in social media acceptable at all. When the influencer dies, he dies 55 years ago by the Umfrageteilnehmer. Product improvements and influences from influences are not as valuable as they are valuable.

Starke Ablehnung van Influencer-Werbung

64 Percent of Social Media Users Stimulate the Existence However, it is a fact that the influence of influence on the fundamentally possible. When using an alternative group, the generation 65+ influencers fall with 80 percent of the possibilities, which can start to grow from 16 to 24 years with 54 percent.

Other media can be viewed with a look at the Werbeakzeptanz insgesamt deutlich besser ab. Der Studie will be performed on the radio of 30 Prozent der Befragten als inakzeptabel angesehen. Beim TV is 36 Prozent, at Websites 38 Prozent and at Podcasts 39 Prozent.

Social media sites can get a lot of attention

One of the forms of knowledge that we have discovered in most cases can examine the usefulness of the study. You can orient yourself to the user who watches the videos or the display of product names. Less in the Weight has fallen by the Kennzeichnung Solcher Clips, which is outlined by the Medianstalten. The problem: Understanding who “Werbung” or “Anzeige” or Hinweise in the video description often overlooks. A guideline for the Medianstalten gives hand lungs to the correct Werbekennzeichnung.

Erase about Social-Media-Webung ausbaufähig

In order to take into account the available knowledge for social media advertising, there is a lot of unnecessary waiting. Now that half of the fragments are painted, there are some solid knowledge in the area. If you want to delete more than 58 data, the data on Facebook and Co. will be deleted. Knowledge gaps are found above all in the media-right definition of advertising. So stop the cuts on 24 percent of the counterfeits, the influencer will now work for the products, which people use and move on to their own own image, for true – 28 percent is no longer needed. If you know more, while you knew the most, it was the sponsors, affiliate links and discount codes that did that.

Wolfgang Kreißig, President of the State Institute for Communication Baden-Württemberg (LFK) and responsible for the “Transparency Check”, says that the results with the following sister words: “Advertising in social media could also be active in other media channels. The Transparency Check addresses the lack of transparency with influencers and critics and clear rules for operating in social media. disappear.”

Christian Krebs, coordinator of the Financial Regulation of the Medienanstalten, says: “We see that the Fähigkeit, Werbung in Social Media zu identifizieren, grim vom Alter and their nutzungsverhalten abhängt. Speaking: Wer sich better with Sozialen Medien auskennt, dem hilft auch die kennzeichnung If you want to know half of the fragments, the situation will probably increase, but it is often a detailed knowledge and the representation of the average definition of the world Advertisement is safe to recognize.”

For the research, the Media Institute has 3,050 German internet users with 16 years of representation. The subjects include online interviews and various social media videos. The test section has a number of interesting framework questions, sociodemographic data, media use, settings for advertising, media confidence and media knowledge.