
Todesfälle durch extreme Hitze könnten sich in Europa bis zum Jahr 2100 verdreifachen, so Wissenschaftler in The Lancet

Todesfälle durch extreme Hitze könnten sich in Europa bis zum Jahr 2100 verdreifachen, so Wissenschaftler in The Lancet

It is a fact that the heat waves in Europe will occur up to 2100 years later.
Catherine Early

Catherine Early Meteorized Vereinigtes Königreich 4 minutes

The climate walk can be exposed to a temperature of 1.2 °C in the world, where the industrial revolution took place. If you wish to know more, you will be able to see the end of the year at a temperature of 3 °C, we will not wait until the end of the year, but we will dieBoom gas emissionsbuilt-in.

In a study, that in der Zeitschrift The Lancet Public Health published were, have scholars non modelliert, who is welcome to walk on the Todesfälle through Hitze and Kalte throughout Europe. The information is based on data from 854 European cities and more than 1000 regions in 30 countries.

The research identifies hotspots, in case of risks, and the next higher temperatures will have dramatic consequences in the future.

With a forecast of 3°C could answer the Zahl der hitzebedingen Todesfälle in Europa bis zum End des Jahrhunderts von 43729 op 128 809. The Zahl varies greatly in the region, from 0.6 Todesfällen per 100 000 Einwohner to 47 per 100 000.

The lower rates are in the United Kingdom and in the Scandinavian countries, the high ones in Croatia and the southern parts des Kontinents, including Spain, Italy, Greece and the Countries of France.

The climbing walks were not hindered by the Zunehmende Zahlerer People. Man will pass through the heat so much that the fire will become stronger.

Reduction of the Kluft

There are many stars in Europe and eight times more people and it is as calm as heatAfter it has been stripped from the end of the 2000s, the German verringern, which would be left untouched by 363 809 from 333 703, would sink.

Die Zahl der Kältetoten wird zwischen 25 und 300 pro 100 000 Einwohner lie. In Eastern Europe, a moderate backbreak is recommended, but in Germany, France, Italy and Portugal a lighter backbreak is available.

Die Zahl der Kältetoten is not in the neighborhood of the maße zunehmen wie die Zahl der Hitzetoten is
Die Zahl der Kältetoten is not in the neighborhood of the maße zunehmen wie die Zahl der Hitzetoten is

Allerdings are there, that’s it die Zahl der kältebedingen Todesfälle in Ireland (wo sie sich fast verdoppeln wird), Norway and Sweden zunehmen wirdwe would be a stronger Anstieg among the Bürgern at the age of 85.

Schutz der am meisten gefährdeten Personen

Our study shows Hotspots onin Denmark the risk, and the following temperatures are higher, in the next six years will progress drastically“, said Dr. David Garcia-Leon of the European Commission representatives.

It is not known that it is worth packing any of these areas and the extreme temperatures are influenced by the Gesellschaft to protectyou know.


García-León, David et al. Temperature-related mortality burden and projected change in 1368 European regions: a modelling study
The Lancet Public Health