
Skywalk Willingen comes to the “großer Maus-Show” in Fernsehen

Skywalk Willingen comes to the “großer Maus-Show” in Fernsehen

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Skywalk Willingen comes to the “großer Maus-Show” in Fernsehen
Friends about youth expenditure: (from left) Dominik Lerch (Mountain Guard), Dennis Kegel (THW), Dirk Bäringhausen (Ski-Club Willingen) such as Mario Ulbricht and Melanie Wilke from Skywalk. © Sven Schütz / pr

Part of the “big mouse show” would be launched on Skywalk Willingen. Davon does not profit from Brücke and TV, but from Jugendliche vor Ort.

Willingen (Upland) – A special event is the Fernsehshow “The Great Maus Show” in the first period: In a Duell on Saturday, August 31, the Skywalk Willingen to Hauptsendezeit from 8.15 pm. This could not be spoiled: Free-Runner Andi Wöhle tritt against Strickleiter-Kletterer Tom Gehlert and. When you’re on the Skywalk, the other sparrow is in the climbing.

The preparations for the use of the wettkampf lasted a week. It was the high mountain guards and the THW Waldeck-Frankenberg, the Sicherheit-gewährleisteten, the ski club Willingen, the huts, equipment and the equipment of the stellte.

The Skywalk-Betreiber has spent the Nutzungsgebühr-kurz for the Ausstrahlung and these three institutions, it is everything for the Jugendarbeit einsetzten mag. In total, 5,000 euros could be spent: 2,000 euros for a ski club and 1,500 euros for a THW and mountain guard.

At the end of the mountain: there is a win-win situation. The youth can make the best expenditure, the long suspension bridge becomes the best way to send and the Maus of the WDR who has a big challenge for him.

Esther Sedlaczek’s moderation includes prominent guests Annette Frier, Wincent Weiss, Christoph Maria Herbst, Smudo, Felix Neureuther and Jana Ina Zarrella. Rätsel were set and Duelle ausgetragen. Final moments were delivered under the motto “Kinder fragen, Erwachsene staunen“. Kinderkonnten Fragen einreichen: Who wants a Suppe aus Kuhfüßen? How would you care about your Maulwürfe in your life? And who sportsler often buys, an auto-swii-meter in the air, when a flash comes into the air?

Now, that’s the way to go during the Maus Duelle. There will be an operation that sings like a Kettensäge – I will go to the Mühlenkopfschanze and its long Hängebrücke, where Kletterer and Läufer are a Sieg-kämpfen.

One of the comments of the ski clubs in Willingen about Sport-Duell: Tom Bartels. The sports reporter said that the Mühlenkopfschanze was zurückgekehrt, that there were often years before the first report of the FIS Ski Jump World Cup reports. From 31 January to 2 February 2025, the World Cup will take place in Willingen with Tom Bartels for the ARD on the microphone. The World Cup will be opened in 30 years.

The Ski-Club Willingen with Weltcup OK-chef Jürgen Hensel and the Spitze want to las this whole under the Veranstaltung one of the fallen. The karting traditionally starts in the Anschluss and the Day of German Unity. red