
Aktien Wien Schluss: ATX schließt 0.7 Prozent im Plus

Aktien Wien Schluss: ATX schließt 0.7 Prozent im Plus

VIENNA (dpa-AFX) – The Vienna Stock Exchange closed on Friday with moderate profits. The ATX has a Tag with a Plus of 0.65 percent and 3,730.00 points. Other stock exchanges in Europe are looking at a clear direction. The inflation data in Europe and the US are often reported while inflation is in the foreground, while the inflation figures in Europe and the US are no longer noticeable.

The inflation in the Eurozone I am in August abgeschwächt and with 2.2 percent the lowest position has been reached for three years. The inflation rate is not as big as the EZB soul value of 2.0 percent and the power that the Way for Zinssenkungen is free.

Good people were in Wien zum Wochenschluss die Aktien der Stromkonzerne EVN und Verbund en gewinnen 2,6 bzw. 1.1 percent. Title of the Vienna Insurance Group is an amount of 1.6 Prozent. Others also enjoy being the Aktien of Versorgern and Versicherern, while the German von Zinssenkungen make a profit among the Tagesgewinners.

Strabag-Aktien lays nach Meldung von Halbjahreszahlen 1.3 Prozent zu. The construction company has reported one of the net losses of 23 percent in Halbjahr 2024. Betriebsergebnis and Umsatz were hinged slightly rückläufig. The Zahlen were the Erste Group analysts who had fallen and favored small overshoots. They stop buying a store for the Action Party.

Schwach showed itself CA Immo with a minus of 3.1 percent. Among the larger numbers is Mayr-Melnhof with an abscissa of 0.9 percent.

The Aktien von Lenzing and Wienerberger no longer react to new analyst instructions. Lenzing costs 0.2 Percent at 30.85 Euro. The analysts of the first group have been busy for the action of the repairers in reaction to the half-yearly values ​​of 32.80 to 32.70 Euro revised. The Empfehlung “Hold” could work best.

Wienerberger confirmed 0.2 Prozent auf 29.86 Euro. The analysts of the Wiener Privatbank have made their money on Baustoffherstellers’ stock ranging from 38.6 to 32.8 Euro. The anlage-empfehlung “holds” in the response to the Halbjah resergebnisse that is the best.

If you are busy with the release of a message about the US registration for August. The Fed beach of the US-Notenbank at the sentence separation on the low labor market, of the message that the American bank has given new insights to the Fed-sitzung in September./mik/ste/APA/nas