
Study: Alcohol vor Zeugung harms Nachkommen lebenslang

Study: Alcohol vor Zeugung harms Nachkommen lebenslang

Two Glasses of Champagne on Festive Bokeh Background.

(Image: BeYOUNG /

Eltern-Alkohol beeinflusst Kindgesundheit. Study says: Trinken vor Zeugung is harmful. Who wants to be grim from the other Konsum on the Nachkommen aus?

The beds in the Elternhaus, in the family and in the community, are a good way to let people enjoy. Science, who deals with the social determinants of prosperity, reconcile your understanding, with the high quality of a human being, illnesses to confront, stronger from nature or from the erziehung beeinflusst world.


I am a pulmonary physiologist and a subordinate, who has alcohol consumption in the fetus and healthy lifestyle. In the long term, it is possible that the alcoholic drink has a negative influence on the mental health and social consequences of a child, war is not clear, but the alcohol consumption of the biological origin of the body is based on the natural health of the nachkommen.

Naturally, the health care needs of my labor will be better, because of the chronic alcohol consumption, both of which will continue to work after the next generation, which will lead to quicker changes and consequences for the illness.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

According to reports from the National Institutes of Health, eleven percent of adults in the United States suffer from alcohol disease. The vast majority of alcohol consumption causes a problem with problem solving, problem solving, cognitive impairment, and alternative problem solving.

Eltern can solve this common problem and his desire to have children. Fetal alcohol storage is one of the most common alcoholic beverages, lung and alveoli, which has affected one of the 20 debts of 20 debts in the US.

In children with children with alcohol disorders, the disease values ​​in life are increased by type 2 diabetes and brain disorders. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen treten bei Menschen mit diesen Störungen first in Teenageralter auf, während sie bei de bridging Bevölkerung typicalerweise in the 40ern and 50ern auftreten. Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders experienced higher rates of illness in the hospital and have a 40 percent lower lifespan as children or diese disorders.

It is not clear that this general problem occurs when dealing with alcohol – the alcohol content of alcohol has a higher rating of psychiatric disorders, which cause stress and can develop into change and illness – or by the dry substance that you can use ften negative effects on your health. With others Words: Can the alcoholic beverage from the device for cooking be put directly on the healthy food and the shelf life of the baby food?

Alkoholkonsum von Mutter und Vater

In our research my lectures and a maus model were used, one of the algorithms of the mumbling, the vaters or both the era of the time of the company on the alternative and the chronic insanity of your messages. The use of alcohol and alcohol is not good.

If so, it may be that the alcohol consumption in the mitochondria of the night bowls is disturbed. Mitochondria – often also as the battery of the Zelle bezeichnet – can cause many aspects of the alternatives and health. As a handy job the mitochondria with time shifts and they improve their performance, repairs and substances repair.

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Our experiment with a larger experiment, in which the alcohol consumption of the barrels plays a disruptive role in mitochondrial function, begins the development of the fetus and begins to enter it, while the nachkommen alternate. The alcohol exposure of the barrels was based on a doubling of the changed standard of living, but it was not intended that the alcoholic beverages of the Eltern, insondere des Vaters, erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Altern and changed Diseases have become.

What is it, it is the party that the use of the nachkommen is schlimmer, as both alternative trinken, if there is an elder part of alcohol consumption. So there is a problem with changing the diet, when both alcoholic beverages are used.

Treatment of fetal alcohol syndromes

People with fetal alcohol syndromes have a lifelong struggle with struggles, a problem with hand-eye coordination, a problem with solving and noticing problems.

Fresh educational materials for children with visual aids, such as the use of visual and auditory materials such as printed texts, can be used to create such structures that are useful for learning.

My team and my chronic alcohol exposure have not studied, but moderate alcohol levels can solve mitochondrial problems. If you never know what the effect of individuals seeking a diagnosis of alcohol analysis, Eltern can have a grim experience. It is not clear that a new study is behind.

In a next step, Schritt will be examined through interventions that target the health of the mitochondria, such as B. Körperliche Bewegung und spezielle Diäten, de Gesundheitsergebnisse von Menschen mit fötalen Alkoholspektrum-Störungen verbessernen.

Michael Golding is a professor of Physiology at Texas A&M University.

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