
United Natural Food (UNFI) Canada Lists New Moodrink Barista by bettermoo(d)

IRW-PRESS: bettermood Food Corporation: United Natural Food (UNFI) Canada Lists New Moodrink Barista from bettermoo(d)

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada – August 30, 2024 / IRW-Press / bettermoo(d) Food Corporation (CSE: MOOO), (OTCQB: MOOOF), (Frankfurt: 0I5A, WKN: A3D8PP) (das Unternehmen oder bettermoo(d) )) I am happy to be with you as a best trade partner and market leader United Natural Foods Canada (UNFI Canada under the trade partner), the largest business partner in the United States and Canada with healthy lifestyle options, believe https://ir.

the new Moodrink Barista Edition (Moodrink Barista or the product) from the Unternehmens is listening.

With 50 sales centers throughout North America, United Natural Foods, Inc. believes. (UNFI), die Muttergesellschaft von UNFI Canada, ungefähr 30,000 Single Trading Partner – of Bio-Supermarkets and unabhängigen Einzelhändlern über conventional Supermarket Chains bis in his E-Commerce-Provider and Gastronomiekunde https:/ /

. Über UNFI Canada has got a better idea of ​​the umfangreichem kanadischem Vertriebsnetz, das more as 5.000 Einzelhändler umfasst, unterem one of the better Lebensmittelketten Canadas.

bettermoo(d) ist bestrebt, the Erfolg seines Referenzproducts, der Milchalternative Moodrink, zu wiederholen, das bereits an über 500 Einzelhandelsstandorten in Ganz Canada angeboten wird (siehe Pressemitteilung des Unternehmens vom 16. August 2024). With the Einführung of Moodrink Barista, the Unternehmen de Anwendung der gleichen rapid expansion strategy with this Soul, which new products about the most fangreiche Vertriebsnetz of UNFI Canada a breiteren Publikum anzubiten.

There is a great list with a list at UNFI Canada with a sharp price after a bad Moodrink Barista and the market control for this innovative product that has its appreciation. Soul is, a product in so much regale that it is possible to bring a price and a rich pasture in Canada abroad. As we continue our way and the new more innovative Milchalternatives for the Consumers in Canada and the longer term with the whole time spent, said Nima Bahrami, CEO of BetterMoo(d).

Moodrink Barista works with Sorgfalt and the feinsten there are, one of the Milch from the Alpine region of Switzerland, from France and Austria nachzubilden. The product consists of a rich and creamy taste, of the traditional milk products that jeden gummi and dairy products and for a real better (d)-geschmackserlebnis-sorgt, which is a gleichzeitig a plant-based and an ethical lifestyle. Every portion contains a part of the grams of protein and is with a high fat content of the healthy taste, so with calcium added. Moodrink Barista is ideal for coffee, lattes, cappuccinos and homemade for the backen and the kitchen and does not work if your coffee taste with an extensive scale, which creates a lot of variety in the taste and the power of your colleagues ulinarische Anwendungen vielseitig einsetzbar.

Gemäß der Vereinbarung hat der Vertriebspartner Anspruch auf aine Provision auf de Produktvertrieb über sein Vertriebsnetz.


bettermoo(d) Food Corporation is an innovative company for the development of Milchalternativen in Bereich Lebensmittel and Getränke mit Sitz in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, which markets a Milchalternative getränk with a revolution Geschmack with MoodrinkTM. MoodrinkTM found a Mischung von Kräutern and Blumen, ähnlich dessen, was Kühe vor der Zeit der Massentierhaltung gefressen haben. When it comes to richly produced dairy products, MoodrinkTM is packed with fresh Fette and vitamins, soft drinks are the Verbraucher in small quantities of fresh food. The MoodrinkTM is the first of the revolution for better moo(d), offering an alternative to military alternatives in Vancouver.

True to the motto What A Cow Eats and A Human Needs (What a Cow Eats and a Human Needs) has set itself better for the soul, to produce milk-free products that are good for both people and the planet, which is why all products are free of dust and from the sustainable source, and that is the great artisanal tradition of milk from the Alpine region of Switzerland, France and Austria. When compiling a life cycle analysis, the external program for the sustenance of life is continued, a full-fledged product line of mild alternatives, good quality and better quality products on the market bring the chance to SIE and the planets.


Nima Bahrami

Chief Executive Officer and Director

bettermoo(d) Food Corporation

For more information, please read the following:

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 1-855-715-1865

The CSE has no representation for the general or general press release.

These press conferences have issued the best American and American commercial papers, based on the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All Australian documents contained herein are historical and state, in particular, never again brought to market in the market on the market after the product, that is, the large and the large market for dairy products and the latter on the market, if so future-oriented statements. If in the press conference the words anticipate, understand, estimate, observe, anticipate, plan, forecast, can, should and ähnliche words or statements were used, they indicate future-oriented statements or information. Solche Geben die gegenwärtige Auffassung des Unternehmens in Bezug auf zukünftige Ereignisse wieder and beruhen notnauwerweise auf a Reihe von Annahmen and Schätzungen, die zwar vom Unternehmen as angemessen erachtet, jedoch von Nature aus erheblichen geschäftlichen, wirtschaftlichen, wettbewerb lichen, political and social risks, Unwägbarkeiten and Unsicherheiten unterliegen. We can think of and elaborate on a number of things, such as the Ergebnisses, Leistungen or Errungenschaften wesentlich von the Ergebnissen, Leistungen or Errungenschaften abweichen, which could be brought or implied in sollchen zukunftsgerichteten zum Ausdruck. It cannot be that the product of another product is sold or becomes a large market at all. If no research is done and no representation is carried out, this targeted information or information is not active, a description in the Annahmen or other instructions in the representation or other sources, which this information and additional information, broader mirrors, and die wird von de validenden Gesetzen , Regeln und Vorschriften vertrekt.

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