
Leopoldstadt is known for Street-Art-Leinwand –

Leopoldstadt is known for Street-Art-Leinwand –

The Kulturverein Calle Libre, übersetzt “free Straße”, supports art, which positively changes the öffentlichen Raum. The eleventh launch of the Calle Libre Festivals takes place at the Focus on the south of Bezirk, Wed from 2 to 6 September and the Walls and Mauern were live ground and sprayed. Under the title „Comm:unity“, also Community, so that the Festival is responsible for the inner half of the Street-Art-Szene.

The participating national and international artists shaped jewels, together with the team, a large open space in the Leopoldstadt. Bemalt became a Gemeindebau on the Vorgartenmarkt, the Parkgarage of the Messe Wien and a Wall on the Campus of the Wirtschaftsuniversiteit. From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hours of work for artists and artists. Besucherinnen and Besucher anyway Passers-by can view the Fortschritt der Wandbemalungen live.

A work by Street Art Artists Ruïne, located at Calle Libre 2024 in the Leopoldstadt.

Happy Black

The Austrian Street Art Artist Ruin, a Wall in All of Europe

Street Art sees, strengthens and creates itself

If you would like more information, you can attend the free events and workshops of the festivals. On September 1, Touren führen during the 6. and 7. Bezirk, where the Werke des Kulturvereins goes. The new Wandgemälden des Calle Libre Festivals were celebrated on September 7, and new works of art were on display at the UNO Building in June.

At the Führungen art and art teachers can not know the motives and methods. Many ways to experiment themselves, people can sign up for workshops, which are an introduction to the spray experience. Wer never started at the festival, but it is still not time to see the entstandenwerk – the Wandmalereien stop when they have the künstlerische Leiter Jakob Kattner “locker 15 Jahre”.

Molded house wall

ORF/Florian Kobler

Letztes Jahr wurden öffentliche Flächen in Ottakring gestaltet, wie diese von Aphenoah bemalte Wand in der Sandleitengasse

Street Party and Graffiti Jam

On August 31st, the art event will take place with a Straßenfest in front of the Superbude Hotel in Prater. From 16:00 there will be live music, a play area for children, design stands and food trucks. At 19:00 the Artist Talk will start, while another one has loaded the participating artists Dante and Alex Senna.

Event rental

“Calle Libre Festival”, August 31 to September 7, Wandmalerei from September 2 to 6 in Ganz Leopoldstadt

On September 5, art and art teachers will arrive at the Block Party. On September 5, Chance is in a Graffiti Jam a Fläche at the Superbude Hotel and the Parkgarage of the Messe Wien gestalten. When the hotel opens at 4:00 PM, you can enjoy the event with live hip-hop music. The end of the festivals begins on September 7 with an Abschlussparty in the PRST club, where the artists meet.