
Seelian Probleme aus Tabuzone caves

Seelian Probleme aus Tabuzone caves

Fast 120 Mitglieder hat der Förderverein heute. “Ongefähr doubles as vale as bei der Gründung for 30 Jahren,” said Vorsitzender Valentin Merschhemke im Gespräch with our Zeitung. If you are emotionally emotional, often look to the other side and if it is right. “Dagegen wollen wir etwas tun.”

It is a generous man with a global enterprise and the fear that the Aidsangeboten, Vertreter von Kreis, the city and the community have, who are politically active and interesting. “This networking is important to us, to be able to see and to know what is wrong”, says Merschhemke. Since 1996, the District Council has been responsible for the function of the President. Merschhemke has been in office since 2011.

With Vorträgen, Lesungen, Info-Ständen, Theater, Filmen and since 1999 the health effects of the activities of the companies can be achieved and solved, there are many problems with the taboo zone in the den.

Auch verschiedene Project unterstützt der Verein: So in 1994 the Jahre das Ambulant Betreute Wohnen fell, indem there were two Wohnungen anmietete. Other Conversation and Freizeitgroups, Fachberatungen and Fortbildungen are a way to work with “Systemsprengern”. Whole new program: Erste-Hilfe-Kurse with mental problems for all interests.

I think it will take 30 years. Früher is the psychosozial care, nor otherwise. “After the end of the 80th year, we had a whole beautiful childhood,” remembers Paul Kiffmeyer of the Community Health Office, the beautiful beginning of the year.

After a psychiatric form in the 1970s, a new concept and part of the 1980s would have received new impetus. The Zauberwort lautete „Community Psychiatry“ – large numbers, the Central Clinics have helped a number of people and people and gained new insights. “The Kreispolitik is such a powerful force,” remembers Merschhemke. On September 5, 1990, the damage assessment director of the Stiftes Tilbeck, Leonhard Thiel, signed the Gründung an Fördervereins vor. Vorbild ist der “Verein zur Förderung der psychosocialen Dienste Gronau und Umgebung”. I was founded on January 27, 1994 in Lüdinghausen der Förderverein.

This drumherum is a bit boring. In 1993 the Stift Tilbeck wrote over the psychiatric duty and regulation care for adults in Kreis Coesfeld. Go to the LWL clinic in Münster. The heutige Klinik am Schlossgarten in Dülmen was based on the foundation of the Stifts Tilbeck.

There is no right to the funding of the whole year, nor ever – the first right. “It is so that it may not be that a man still does not work and that it is not so that it is notorious,” Kiffmeyer concretely.

If you get the wrong impression of the Vereins, you will be struck by an impulse in the distance of the city. “We are always welcome, that is a platform for all support.”

Party night and performance

30 Years of Association for the Support of Psychosocial Services in the District of Coesfeld and 25 Years of Spiritual Health: That should be celebrated on October 10th on World Day for global health. At 6 pm you will find a Feierstunde at Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen statt. The end of the story is a gesture with the photo of Nora Klein in the display “Mal gut, mehr schlecht” and a house. The exhibition takes place on September 8th. In her photography Nora Klein describes the depressed person. The photo from Erfurt can still be influenced for a long time, a thank you and a good image.

Course: First Hilfe for painful problems

Kreis Coesfeld (vde). First Helper with psychological problems: The social pathologist Anne Willing-Kertelge vermittelt in „Mental Health First Aid“ (MHFA)-First Aid Courses Laien Grundkenntnisse über mental health problems. “The soul is the same, that man is learned, who man is concerned with his personal experiences and his own personal experiences,” Willing-Kertelge explains. “Sie can use the bridge to orientate herself and record other people’s occupations and scary boats.” It often happens that the Labor Schools and Bekannte leave, themselves sorted out, aber there über that person concerned drove as mit ihr. I want to learn interestingly, who can have a conversation. The courses consist of four modules with three studies; the teilnehmer has found a book, a workbook and a list of Hilfeangeboten from the Kreis Coesfeld. Für Mitglieder des Fördervereins ist de Teilnahme ermäßigt. A vereinsinterner Kurs took place in Lüdinghausen from September 13 to 14. Additional dates for all interests: October 25 to 26 (FBS Coesfeld), January 18 to 19 (FBS Lüdinghausen), March 21 to 22 (FBS Dülmen). Meldungen und Rückfragen at Anne Willing-Kertelge: Tel. 02591/7941904. |

Tage der seelischen Gesundheit

0 Vortrag: Arbeit und Psyche – Umgang mit globalen Belastungen im Unternehmen, Reference: Dr. Mechthild Echterhoff; Montag, 7.10., 19 Uhr, Dülmen, Volkshochschule „Alte Sparkasse“

0 Vortrag: Erholungskompetenz statt Burn-on/

Burnout, Referentin: Anne Willing-Kertelge; Mittwoch, 9.10., 19 Uhr, Familienbildungsstätte Coesfeld

Donnerstag, 10/10/2024, 7:00 PM

0 Vortrag zur Ausstellung „Mal gut, mehr schlecht“

Wise insights into the inner world of depression

References: Nora Klein

Photography; anschl. moderate Gespräch mit

Nora Klein and dem Hausarzt Dr. Matthias Dilkaute, Donnerstag, 10.10., 7 pm

Burg Vischering Lüdinghausen.

0 Information Standard

Freitag, 27.9., 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., Marktstraße in Dülmen. Samstag, 12.10., 12 to 17 Uhr, Markplatz Coesfeld