
NZZ briefing

NZZ briefing

Weko enjoys the Lohnabsprachen at 200 Unternehmen, Nvidia can achieve the best results – and our Empfehlungen

The most important thing of the week: Weko is enthusiastic about Lohnabsprachen and Nvidia can offer the best Zahlen nur-enttäuschen

A lesson that is now in the NZZ: The FDP National Councillor Regine Sauter criticizes the Campaign of the Companies against the Pension Fund Reform. There is a small step back from the Wirtschaft machine who stimulates the planned Gesetzesänderung. Sauter speaks with the NZZ years, we will stop the reform for a unique moment. To the interview

The most important thing on the weekday

Die Weko enthusiastic, wie 200 banks and other firms Löhne absprachen

That’s passion: The Wettbewerbskommission has its Schlussbericht zu Lohnabsprachen veröffentlicht. This first time that the Rückschlüsse darauf zu, in welchem ​​​​Umfang sich 200 Arbeitgeber in der Schweiz über Löhne and Lohnentwicklungen, Saläre, Boni and Essensentschädigungen austauschten. Zum Message

This is important: We stopped writing a post, but it’s not a Bagatellfall handle. Moreover, the banking sector is severely affected while banks are operating in the Canton or regional regions. Aber auch grosse Unternehmen in others Branchen mit more tausend Mitarbeitern würden über Löhne absprechen. Damit lie about the Weko Anhaltspunkte, that the Abreden of the Wettbewerb erheblich beschränken würden is. The Arbeitgeberverband and the Gewerkschaften lehnen de Einmischung der Weko ab.

Trotz herausragender Finanzzahlen hat Nvidia die anleger enttäuscht

That’s passion: If Nvidia publishes the financial results of a quarter this week, the most important part of the world can now be lost. When we noticed that the results of the analyses were and the analysis of the analysts, Enthusiasm widens. Nvidia has a number of presenters must, a not punished to be: Zahlen, the not only the high forecasts überbieten, is impressed by your positive überraschen, the prepared davon out, that Nvidia all forecasts übertrifft. To report

This is important: The Donnerstag has lost the title as 6 Prozent, 200 Billion Dollars und Kapitalisierung wurden vernichtet – het entspricht fast dem Börsenwert des Pharmakonzerns Novartis. As optimism about growth increases, the firm stacks up.

What is passion left?

  • Military army in West Jordanland, Impfkampagne in Gazastreifen: Since 2002, the military troops in West Jordan have been active in the fight against the Israeli army with bulldozers, tanks and drones in refugee camps. I died in Gaza Strip from the consequences of polio. A major epidemic has developed, in which Israel and Hamas have experienced a war. There are a number of things that the Waffen refuse, a childhood disease that causes the virus. Zum Bericht
  • Russlands Schulen since Anstalten der Indoktrination: In Russian, school is resumed on Monday. The new family is a child’s identity card – with the hand of “Ehe, kinderreicher familie und keuzechheit”. If you are in debt for 34 days, it is likely that there is a chemical in the waiter. To report
  • Oberstes Gericht in Brasilien ordnet Sperrung von X and: Der Streit zwischen Elon Musk and a Brazilian Richter honored. The Tech-Milliard and Alexandre de Moraes criticize their Monaten. Elon Musk refuses that he will stop the Justiz Nutzerkonten and reuse Nutzerdaten. Zum Message
  • That Ukraine has become one of the best pilots: After the military battle in Kiev was fought, Ukraine was initially one of its F-16-Kampfflugzeuge lost hat. The housing of the abstract yard is swinging fragments on. The chef of the Luftwaffe muss gehen. To report
  • Trump’s Vize JD Vance spoke with investor Peter Thiel, in Wahlkampf-mitzumischen: The liberal war between Paypal and Gründer was one of the unterstützer Trumps, and JD Vance’s political career was light. In the meantime, the Republicans have been turned their backs. Trump war is not disruptive enough. Zum Bericht
  • The new History of the Welsh Press is the History of the Netherlands: French Switzerland is experiencing a major newspaper tradition. The old restructurers of the Tamedia Group are hitting Western Switzerland as soon as possible. The printing center in Bussigny is closed and the “Tribune de Genève” is opened. Romandie is the boss. To report
  • After your comments, the professor leaves the ETH Zurich with an insight: It has become an autumn, while the professor has done a number of things that have carried out his study and research, which the Tamedia-Zeitungen reported. Eight people are said to have wanted to have a time-lapse of two half-years and the meldestelle of the Hochschule. To report
  • The debt burden of the Canton of Zurich has increased significantly: Zurich is no longer in the only Canton to be found, while the Grundstückgewinsteuern vollumfänglich and the Gemeinden are. It is no longer necessary. There is an involvement of the cantons in the treatment of the Zurich Regierungsrat Ernst Stocker. Invest in the financing of Canton and other companies in the Gemeinden with. To report

That is what we need for our living experience

“Holy War”: In 2008, a large-scale bot from the Geneva Police destroyed the Suite von Hannibal Ghadhafi. The Sohn des Libyschen Machthabers Muammar Ghadhafi war roads Körperverletzung, Entführung and Freiheitsberaubung are increasing. Damit started an absurd political thriller for Switzerland with the harmful Machthaber Libyens. Zum background

Future of Fast Food: The abrupt chef at the food repairer nest has taken charge, under pressure from the industry. A man who puts Zahl von Konsumenten on his work, more attention and an undisputed food. Despite a few things, the man who has giants on his nest has not found a single solution. Five Irrtümers over the food industry. Back to the background

Online Radialization: After the attention of Solingen in the war in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Speech of “Tiktok terrorists” and “Islamism influencers” is demanded. The Annahme dahinter: Social Networks radicalize young people. The radicalization began long before one of the first IS posts on Telegram was a ​​jugendlicher. Zum background

Radical Course Change: The Terror is such that we are confronted with conflict in unmitigated danger so that it can be escalated: That Switzerland must be affected by changes in behavior as a result. There is a radical Kursänderung because of the security policy. The Glaube and a Sonderposition der Schweiz would not be schützen. Zum exclusiven «NZZ Pro» commentary

Before you continue

💜 To belong: Journalist Stephan Orth is a founder of Couchsurfer. It is likely that you spend a night on the couch during the night. This Weise is a trip to Iran or Saudi Arabia, which is interesting for people who know them. I passed away a year ago Orth in the Ukraine. In «NZZ Megahertz – better sleep» it is so that it can be found in the War Area Rest. Jetzt Probe belongs to Apple Podcast | Zur Audio-Folge (only for subscribers)

🎥 See: In the life of blind people, technology plays a role. Thanks to a device that can work with expert intelligence, the blind singer Bernarda Brunović can get into his research. Try to get a new diagnostic algorithm from the network that you can recognize. «NZZ Format» said, with innovative Helfer den Alltag of blind people erleichtern. To Documentation

📖 Read: Sigmund Freud, CG Jung, Irvin Yalom and Fritz Perls have long been considered as pioneers of psychotherapy. There is a man with a critical eye. The author Steve Ayan painted in his book “Seelenzauber” the Gründe dafür. You can analyze the Gratwanderung of the other Schmöker and a clear analysis. Zur Rezension

🍐 Back: This Birnenkuchen is one of the most important things that the fruit will do. When the Birnen is poached with Gewürzsirup and cardamom, the taste of the cake is exotic. To the recipe

✏️ Riddles: Who knows this article? Testen Sie Ihr Wissen in NZZ-Kreuzworträtsel. They will find the answers to all fragments in our messages. Zum Kreuzworträtsel

We wish we had a wonderful time on August – and we will celebrate September 1st. Beautiful Living!

Ulrike Putz, Mirjam Moll and Kathrin Klette

The briefing will take place between 6 and 17 o’clock. Saturday is the day of the week and the evening is at 7 o’clock.