
Erntedank am Weissensee – Kronen Zeitung

Erntedank am Weissensee – Kronen Zeitung

Slow Food is the tradition of the genius of regional cuisine. I am sinful that wertschätzung ladt der Weissensee zum in particular “Erntedankfest”. After a few weeks we stay at a leisurely pace (one day at a time) regional Lebensmittel and deren Produzenten in Mittelpunkt. A jedem-veranstaltungstag with authentic Bauern, ambitious fishermen or creative chefs, a culinary tour de force and an attractive presentation. Besides, the Getränken are larger Wert auf regional and seasonal Angebote laid. The opening will take place on September 7 in Strandbad Knaller, the organization of Naturpark Weissensee. Load top gastronomes and regional products from Austausch, Gustieren and Geniën here. Before you make a choice from the official registration of the new all-electric Weissensee-Flor Gemeinde Weissensee statt.

Photo: Dietmar Denger
Photo: Dietmar Denger

The golden summer finale will take place on October 20th on the Seeterrasse and in the Garten des Kärntnerhofs in Techendorf statt. A gem of music with regional music and unplugged music gives the perfect listening experience.

Event area

You will find a round one of the Weissensee newer cultural events such as the traditional „ERNTE.DANK“-Gottesdienst (6.10.) statt. Vom „Kobas-Festl auf der Seewiese” over the „Gartl-Festl auf Koch’s Gemüse-Acker” with its „Wildem aus Feld und Wald”. There are no traditional breakfasts, but modern interpretations of „From Nose to Tail“ or „Natural Wine & Organic Food“ that determine the quality of the regional cuisine.
