
What is there for BW Dingden?: Drei Partien geben Aufschluss

What is there for BW Dingden?: Drei Partien geben Aufschluss

The game takes place in the Lokalrivalen SF 97/30 Lowick war for BW Dingden and Mohamed Salman zaletzt schmerzhaft.
The game takes place in the Lokalrivalen SF 97/30 Lowick war for BW Dingden and Mohamed Salman zaletzt schmerzhaft. © Christian Klumpen

Reading time

Am Samstag will challenge the team of coach Jürgen Stratmann at 4:30 PM in the Heimspiel at the Oberliga-Absteiger DJK Adler Union Frintrop. Danach stehen zwei schwere Auswärtsspiele at Oberliga-Absteiger SF Hamborn 07 and at BW Mintard and: all Topteams and damn real Prüfsteine. The basis for a good result can be obtained.

Insignificant lost points

With a sieg and a draw Dingden started in the season. At 02:20 the Sonntag in Derby went to the local rivals SF 97/30 Lowick ärgert Stratmann no longer: “The punktverluste were unnoticed, have a self-declared debt received. You have played 2:0 and done everything in Griff. After the Gegentoren, both with a fehlerket that are located as an absolutely veravidbar were, we will be financed for a long time in a Schockstarre. There is an end to the party that has made the previous course of events. “

No breaks experienced

Stratmann, who appeals to the working conditions, who exercises these skills with his muscles during training and makes polite, will be explained this Schwächen. When the Oberliga-Absteiger from Frintrop no longer made a hundred-percent performance and fuller effort, there were three punks who had a problem. “That is a hot game. This last time will take a short break and produce the highest possible result. If you want to follow this training, then you will probably be in this party”, says Stratmann.

Zwar would not have direct leadership in the Oberliga if the DJK Adler Union Frintrop’s soul were in the ausgeglichenen Landesliga, which in every fall in the low, above the water, plays. This start-up procedure was never carried out: “We are not a club, the now starting, big words to be heard; so it was not possible to gain power and it would not be like that. The league will pass unnoticed. I do not see any male men, who are positive or negative. When the end is reached, it may be that we can make a start and the knitting tests Cadre hat will be. Here I see what I have learned,” says Union Coach Marcel Cornelissen.

Only two exits in Frintrop

Mit Beslind Fazlija (TVD Velbert) and Noah Karthaus (FC Büderich) are now two Leistungsträger gangs. Other pages have won Union mit Burak Demirdere (SC Velbert) a good game for Mittelfeld. Dazu stoßen with Felix Gatner (SpVgg Sterkrade-Nord), Luka Beric (A-Jugend KfC Uerdingen) and Paul Thumulla (A-Jugend SpVg Schonnebeck), a young player from Kader.

Bender and Göring continue

Personnel can do things up to the blocked Leon Bender and the injured Hannes Göring on all players back. Stratmann plays the game in Lowick personal attention in the Startelf-forms, this is one of the most common violations. The camp of a platz in the playing field is by the quality of the new life. “Jetzt has another concurrence battle had”, says the Coach, now a Vielzahl an alternative is possessed. Much has happened, the team can put an abrupt end to the siege of the Platz.