
Freital: Petition for the Freitaler Hafenkante starteret

Freital: Petition for the Freitaler Hafenkante starteret

Petition for the Freitaler Hafenkante started

Stadt- en Kreisrätin Claudia Mihály was committed to the Jugendtreff one. The most important financial opportunities are available. The Lokalpolitikerin will no longer act.

The other spelling of the harbor side is the way of the construction work that can be carried out, after the stand is reached, is nicht zurück.

The other spelling of the harbor side is the way of the construction work that can be carried out, after the stand is reached, is nicht zurück.
© Egbert Kamprath

This war, with a freer Tag, as Friseurmeisterin Claudia Mihaly lets the power and the online petition form click on the captions that are aware. Mihaly, who for the conservative center in the Freitaler Stadtrat and in the Kreistag in Pirna is a vertreten, it is a hafenkant.

The youth meeting was anchored for two years in the city of Freital-Potschappel. In 2021, the study and leadership of the secondary school of the primary and secondary school, the follow-up of the work of the community, came to an end. The association could perhaps get years out of the financial world from the crimes of the financial sector. Remain at the meeting point for schoolchildren for the Aus. It is the children’s and youth welfare association (KJV), which has strengthened the meeting in the harbor side, a war that has destroyed the landing point for many Potschappler teenagers, which is not so straight after the school, where.

In the harbour it can be that, before there are social affairs, the energy in the young guests in the railways oozes. If you play Billard, you play music, you take the power of the Hausaufgaben in. In the Ferien you go to Betreuungsangebote.

Then I am lost during my working life. If you are healthy in the city of evil Pfarramt, you can invest 1.9 million euros in Freital in the house. The social workers continued their journey in the Oppelschacht after Zauckerode. But now there are no more people in the harbor side. The KJV has declared the Mietvertrag.

1.9 million euros invested in the city in the evil Pfarrhaus Potschappel, after the Youth Meeting it is gone.

1.9 million euros invested in the city in the evil Pfarrhaus Potschappel, after the Youth Meeting it is gone.

Jugendhilfevereinen fehlt das Geld

Der Grund: Der Landkreis hat de Gelder für de Jugendhilfe nicht erhöht, obwohl bei den Trägern de Ausgaben immer weiter steigen. Damit was connected to the KJV with the signer Hafenkante sprichwörtlich das Wasser abgegraben.

Claudia Mihály will no longer do that. “If we don’t have any more children, the children of the street will be in their dens and their statistics and the false fun will find themselves in a few years with other problems.” Mihály thinks it is a Drogen problem, Jugendkriminalität, Vandalismus. See the salon in the part of the potschappels, as poor-People-Gegend gilded.

Claudia Mihály started the petition for the Hafenkant. If you want more money in your district, you can earn more money from the legal development of your business.

Claudia Mihály started the petition for the Hafenkant. If you want more money in your district, you can earn more money by financing the sale.
© Egbert Kamprath

The Lessingschule is now a few meters further. “We are blessed with children and young people in our shared community, social stability or an intact family life. They are urgently involved in our future,” said Mihály.

Die Stadt- und Kreisrätin merged four weeks ago with Unterschrifts. It looks like the settlement of the ports is still going smoothly. Online you will be able to read 150 pieces of information, so you can learn more in French and listen to your own writing. These lies are based on Claudia Mihály’s Friseursalon “Bienenhof”, which goes directly to Dresdner Straße at Gasthof Goldener Löwe.

The local politicians will have submitted the Unterschrifts in the Landratsamt on September 20, after which the petition will be suspended. “I see that it is a district that deserves more money for the criminal acts caused by the company,” says Claudia Mihály. It is not possible to stop using the harbor side.