
Nor kein Club be prepared! Bayern Power and Cannabis-Fans Schwer

Nor kein Club be prepared! Bayern Power and Cannabis-Fans Schwer

Since July 1st, special associations in Germany have been implemented under the reinforcement of the Cannabis Regulations for the production of cannabis – as soon as possible.

Munich – Two months after the positive experiences of your time in Bayern after the health and safety aspects of the country (LGL) in the past 24 months Cannabis Plant Cleanings be asked.

Wer in Bayern Cannabis in an association could be used, the muss sich entsprechend schulen lassen.

Wer in Bayern Cannabis in an association could be used, the muss sich entsprechend schulen lassen. © Peter Kneffel/dpa

Be prepared to make yet another spark of the world, who is the LGL of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur Mitteilte: “Alle Anträge befinden sich noch in Prüfung, daher wurde nor keine Erlaubnis erteilt.”

For a generic company, the involvement in LGL-Angaben nachweisen, that the beratung and prevention are protected. Entsprechende Schulungen in Bayern vom Zentrum für Prävention en Gesundheitsförderung were first planted in September.

There may be involvement in the “Cannabis Social Clubs”, which can target other schools. Dann is said to have praised LGL as one of the jewels of the Bundesland institution “signierte detailed Beschreibung der Schulungsinhalte vorlegen”.

Messerattacke: Three Persons after Messerattacke in Lebensgefahr: 32-Jährige sticht in Linienbus auf Fahrgäste in
Messer attack
Three Persons after Messerattacke in Lebensgefahr: 32-years founded in Linienbus auf Fahrgäste in

The LGL has obtained a “possible qualification of the qualification”. If you have served a learning curriculum of the Bundesgesundheitsministeriums, the states will first start in August.

Erlaubnis für Cannabisbau in Bayern “auf Prävention ausgerichtet”

The Bavarian Ministry of Health has started the legalization of the Anbauvereinigungen on 1. July, the rules of the Maxime of the CSU-geführten Staatsregierung have imposed and controlled maximum restrictions. There is a own Zentrale Einheit for LGL-aufgebaut.

The achievements in Bayern are “auf Prävention ausgerichtet”, as the Minister of Health Judith Gerlach (38, CSU) in Vorfeld concrete. Zum Prozess gehörten dabei “auch Vor-Ort-Gehungen in Zusammenarbeit with the Police and Anhörungen of the affected Communities”.

You can appeal to the Ministry of Justice, which has a quarter of the control, because it has been brought to a higher level.