
Orgel-Sommer – Orgel-Konzert von Margit Fussi in the Pfarrkirche St. Stephan in Baden

Orgel-Sommer – Orgel-Konzert von Margit Fussi in the Pfarrkirche St. Stephan in Baden

The fantastic Margit Fussi game after the development by the stadtholder Monseigneur Clemens Abrahamowicz has worked as working composers. And black by Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Peter Planiavsky, Vincenzo Bellini, Anton Bruckner, Theodore Dubois and Franz Schmidt.

I must rise: I was for the first time at an organ concert. And while the war began through that Klangfulle, a new generation of music was played by classical music. Among others cases of my „4 Flötenstücke“ (Joseph Haydn), „Ave VERUM, Meditation according to KV 626“ (Peter Planiavsky) and „Präludium D-Dur Halleluja“ by Franz Schmidt.

Margit Fussi

Margit Fussi is an Austrian organist and pianist and was born in 1940 in Baden. She studied Konzertfach Klavier at the Musikuni in Wien (formerly the Academy for Music and Performing Arts) with Grete Hinterhofer and Josef Dichler. After my diploma studies I studied song accompaniment with Robert Schollum and Erik Werba. Studied the Organ at the Diözesankonservatorium Wien with Maximilian Frischmann. 1969 began as a solo choir repetitor in the Gesangsabteilung der Musikuniversität in Vienna.

From 1985 to 1998, War was Assistant in the song class of Kurt Equiluz. Since 1998 he has been in Robert Holl’s song class. As Solistin, Liedbegleiterin, Organistin und Cembalistin trat si in Europa und Übersee in Konzerten auf. As songs, they were written as pianists for various musical courses (Hans Hotter, Kim Borg, Ileana Cotrubas, Elly Ameling, Graziella Schutti, Robert Holl, Kurt Equiluz, Ildiko Raimondi).

Since 1996 it has been common for dozens of companies to be active in song accompaniment in Japan, Korea and Sweden. In his home town of Baden he has been principal organist in the Stadtpfarrkirche St. Stephan since 1962.

The Organ

Ursprünglich fertigte der Orgelbauer Johann Hencke 1744 die Organ for the Kirche des Chorherrenstiftes St. Dorothea in Wien. After the Klosterauflösung 1786 would die Orgel 1787 von den Brüdern Johann und Josef Wiest, Orgelbauern in Wien, nach Baden übersetzt. The beautiful Schnitzwerk with its English images comes from Wiener Bildhauer Ignaz Gunst. In 1987, a new organ building was built in the best house of the Orgelbaufirma Gerhard Hradetzky, Oberbergern in NÖ.

It is worth preserving the original taste, on the tongue of Mozart and on Beethoven played haben. The organ is available after 28 register, see the manual and the pedal. The prospectus of the Hencke-Organ performed by us is not completed with the principles and a manual.

Mozart, who was present at the same time in Baden St. Stephan was present with the choir master Anton Stoll and was present in 1791 in the evening of Ave Verum, KV 618, on June 23, 1791 in the Pfarrkirche uraufgeführt w urd.

And 2025?

Anyone who changes Hans-Gerd Ramacher will find it four organ concerts in a year. Jedes in another Badener Kirche and with other organists.