
School in Höxter erwartet sehnlichst den Erweiterungbau

School in Höxter erwartet sehnlichst den Erweiterungbau

Höxter. Before 20 years in the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia, we were happy with our open day (OGS) holiday. The harmful Community Grundschule, the Nicolaitor’s debt, war after owner one of the first debts, which these located utilities, a nachmittagsbereich for Eltern and Children a reichhaltiges Betreuungs- and Bildungsangebot zu procure. Nadine Schwake, Leiterin des Ganztags, und Schulleiterin Bettina Becker, blicken zurück – aber auch nach vorn. With 30 children, they started in August 2004 in four Räumen in the Gemeinschaftsgrundschule – a certain time, in most cases of debts in NRW that the History of criminal Ganztags schools nahm in the future. Cornelia Würtz, jetzt stellvertretende Leitung, ist von Beginn a dabei and Nadine Schwake, died 2021 die Leitung der OGS overnahm, kam 2005 and Nicolaitor.

Nobody in Höxter has a problem with the fact that the Ganztagsschule became a bit of a children’s hostel. Ready until 2006, the number of children involved doubled at Nicolaitor. In 2012, the beach of 110 children was created, OGS, Schule and the city of Höxter as Schulträgerin took on a first extension. During an installation of the Kellerräume, the Platz was created for musical, sporting and creative offers.

2018 would have been a big one

Relaxation, singing and dancing, drumming, creative hours, cooking and baking and sports activities were and are the whole time through the afternoon gestaltung. Ways of the greater faith that it is becoming increasingly difficult to increase vulnerability. However: “Carpentry is at Nicolaitor the creation a family atmosphere for the important children, who must feel good about their school all day long”, the OGS team shows. One of the beds that a child needs is to contact OGS with the Eltern.

The war of 2018 has begun with the years of child abuse with 150 years become so big, that the organization of the Betreuung am Nachmittag has no longer become ideal. It is a fact that the childhood has evolved over the course of the four years on the nachmittagsbereich of the business persons and their pages. Child and personal care of the garments of the year are suitable for the jewelry beds and focus on their clothes after a while. I can enjoy a theme with highlights and a Lieblingsplatz for four years.

Tägliches Betreuungsangebot from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

“These Eltern estimate the practical Abholzeitfenster, and the Möglichkeit of individual Terminabsprachen in particular Situations”, weiß the OGS-Team. From 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. you can visit the Kinder am Nicolaitor. All jewels in the first half of the summer, herb and oster ferien, an adventurous Tagen and teilweise sogar and the moving Ferientagen offer the team exciting activities and away competitions for children.

Trägerwechsel öffnet new Möglichkeiten

The child protection association was founded in 2004 by OGS in Nicolaitor. Gabriele Popp-Linder as a damage repairer with Herzblut is perhaps the entire team and hates an offense for personal and childish. Your involvement with the Höxteraner family is greater than the debt burden. Also Wolfgang Dinter and Thomas Frey have spent the years as a child protection organization for the OGS.

Nadine Schwake (l.) and Cornelia Würtz (Leitungsteam der OGS am Nicolaitor) on 20. Geburtstag der OGS. - © Schule am Nicolaitor

Nadine Schwake (l.) and Cornelia Würtz (Leitungsteam der OGS am Nicolaitor) on 20. Geburtstag der OGS. | © Schule ben Nicolaitor

After 17 years, the security service of the child protection organization has started closing the Trägerschaft der Offenen Ganztagsschule. “The other rising Zahlen der angemeldeten Kinder en das dadurch deutlich großer beTeam führten zu einem immer immer immer Aufwand, der letztendlich für die ehrenamtlich tätigen Vorstände nicht more leistbar war“, erläutert the OGS-Team.

Invest millions in major Erweiterungsbau

With the Bas gGmbh (Betreuung an Schulen) from Bielefeld, the Trägerschaft der OGS am Nicolaitor has been located since 2021 with a professional aufgestellten and erfahrenen, gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft. The OGS team is ready to heat it up.

It concerns the large Baumaschnahme of OGS in Nicolaitor, at the Stadt Höxter as a Schulträgerin Millionenbeträge investor. If the Trägerwechsel directly de Planungen dafür an: De Erweiterung des bestehenden Schulgebäudes is een een Verwaltungstrakting Schafft Platz voor Klassen- und Betreuungsräume in de uder Bereichen der Schule. Das Herzstück, a new larger Mehrzweckraum with kitchen utensils, in the direction in which ort fresh was purchased, could serve the children of OGS as a human being.

Sports at the Bundeswehr

This huge construction project began at the beginning of 2022 and has so far been a major event for OGS and Schulddag. As a result, 170 OGS children will be attending lunch in the Gymnasium after Easter 2022. “It was an exciting and thrilling day for the OGS team, the college and the nature of the students and students,” reports OGS leader Nadine Schwake. The sporting goal was to raise the city’s profile in Bolzano and the Bundeswehrsporthalle. The combined debt family is happy with the new individual Räumlichkeiten and the Children can be happy, the first Mal in the new Mensa zu essen – “with little happiness is present in this Year Wirklichkeit”.

With Baubeginn the design of the year ended. “The integrative approach allows the optimal use of all school spaces before and after lunch and provides plenty of space for learning and relaxing”, the OGS team leaves. Class and care spaces of the three classes find a few jewels in a flur, everyone knows their place and is a small family. At the turn of the year it is Space and Time for the intensive Australian learning forces and OGS personnel. “Creatives, Music, Movement or Exploration – everything is possible on the Afternoon. “The Offer in the Afternoon has become a different person during the cooperation with the music school, the Chess Club and the HLC Höxter has continued every school year and would be happy with us”, reports Schwake.

Happy Children’s Day for a Free Year

Do not start playing children’s instruments, but it is the most musical endgame or learning ukulele and spielen. The learning skills of school brings itself ebenfalls with many cases of Angeboten in swimming, theater, dance or one of a Spieleerfinder-AG and in the home task trust on the afternoon one.

The team, which won its time of 23 persons, is a story – and the part of years – with Freude and much involvement, a beautiful time for childhood. Nahezu in the year that it is a young person, who has a Freiwillige Soziales Jahr (FSJ), an Ausbildung or a Praktikum in the OGS is acquitted by Nicolaitor, former Schülerinnen and Schüler dabei, who themselves for a certain Zeit die OGS discussed and this Zeit in lieber Erinnerung is possible.

Grosse Feier zum runden Geburtstag

“With a look at the legal basis of 2026, this is the opinion of the Nicolaitor due to the Einrichtung der Jahrgangsflure and the Erweiterung with Mensa bestens vorbereitet”, since Nadine Schwake and Bettina Becker überzeugt.

The Team of the Offenen Ganztags and the Kollegium of the School in the Nicolaitor are happy for a beautiful and relaxing holiday at the Freitag, September 6, from 3:30 PM to 6 PM. Through active Schülerinnen and Schüler, Eltern, Freunde and Ehemalige der Schule, who interest Eltern, children have started in the coming years – everyone will come, they will be happy together.

The plotting of offensive and very likely stationary mirrors at the level of the nachmittagsangebotes wieder and geben einblicke in the tag of the Ganztags, heißt es in der Einladung. Der Förderverein und de Schulpflegschaft sorgen für Speisen und Getränke.