
NFL spricht Sperre against Wide Receiver Michael Thomas aus

NFL spricht Sperre against Wide Receiver Michael Thomas aus

Bad news for Michael Thomas. The active free agent wide receiver is playing the NFL.

Other Saints receiver Michael Thomas has not received any money for the NFL team for the upcoming season. Once you get into the season, it doesn’t last past Week 1.

So how the NFL official can decide, the Passempfänger is spelled for a game. It is a matter of a penalty under the personal conduct policy.

The League is subsequently separated from a verhaftung in November 2023. Thomas sees a Ziegelstein against the wind protection of the cargo wagons, a Bauarbeiters and a house in the nachbarschaft des sportslers gewerfen haben. This is a person who is handy with the hand and who is scaled.

Der 31-Jährige hatte in der Saison 2019 met 149 Receptionen de Receptie-Rekord für een Spielzeit aufgestellt. In week 1 of the following days, we were alone with our Knöchel, so we could continue our careers in Schwung.

The loss of März wurde is von den Saints entlassen.