
Stadtgärten: Innsbruck im Farbenrausch –

Stadtgärten: Innsbruck im Farbenrausch –

There are 135 Hektar Fläche, the city’s Gartenverwaltung heighed and maintained. These are the Grünstreifen and the Straßen that are free in the city of Wohnanlagen, Spielplätzen, Kreisverkehren and Parken. Nur der Innsbrucker Hofgarten und der Garten von Schloss Ambras unterliegen den Bundesgärten.

Flower beet in Innsbruck


Erlaubt ist, was bunt ist: In this way the Blumen ensembles of the Innsbrucker Stadtgärtnerinnen and Stadtgärtnern themselves became

Team work with all the joy

Since 2006, Thomas Klingler has been working on the oldest city gardeners as Amtsleiter der Stadtgartenverwaltung. “Schon mein Vater war im Gartenbau tätig. If the war is under the überzeugt davon, he dies from the right robbery for my ist,“ erzählte der ausgebildete Landschaftsgärtner, der in Wien studyrte. Seine Teams are in all Teilen der Stadt in Einsatz, every and every power everything and fell more. Der Großteil der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind ausgebildete Gartenbauer bzw. Landschaftsgärtnerinnen, these help from 45 seasonal pickling strength. If you did eight Lehrlinge, it would be true that you would do it. Since no one has reported it, Klingler said: “We have been away since last year. “We are happy with the flowers and the flowers, especially the trees and the trees, and the flowers, the flowers and the flowers,” said Thomas Klingler at ORF Tirol Besuch von der Stadtische Grünanlagen.

Thomas Klingler, Leiter Stadtgartenverwaltung


Thomas Klingler, Leader of the City Garden Management in Innsbruck

Multiple professions

A one-time teacher at the city is Maria Eller. The representation of the landscape gardener can be changed. At the moment when the young woman with the family wants to wage war on her private life with the animals, it is the only way the plants are occupied. “I have given you another job, which is a wall or a tile, then I set them again plants, yes or no. These tasks and duties have fallen, “said Maria Eller. Of course you have to be with Hitze or Kälte and Nässe draußen be, but that is where you go to buy them. If you solve the problem, you can warm up the dog house or the collection of cigarette chickens and much more. “That has changed itself to the negative,” said Amtsleiter Klingler.

Viele Stunden für schöne Anlagen

Etwa 14,000 working hours were the city gardeners and gardeners in the care of the plant cuttings. Do you still have no idea whether you can get one of the most common flower beets that are illegal and stormy? “Yes, it is not that it is of course damage, if there is a big chance that it will go wrong,” said Thomas Klingler. Beware that it is one of the craziest flowers, when the paths of the trees fall. Those but are regularly instigated on damage and messy positions. And yes, it has to happen once that this happens. “We are looking forward to 200 bis 300 years of new art.” We are looking forward to having our climate hike with more Trockenheit and Unwettern standhalten.

Wilde Möhre in der Stadt Innsbruck, Wildblumenwiese


Psenner Steg direkt am Inn hat de Wilde Möhre das Regiment übernommen

Wilde Blumenwiesen erobern die Stadt

In addition to the difficult set and composed flower discounts, the city area has its own years in the natural flower meadows. It is a wild and wild experience, it is a question of Anziehungspunkte for a large number of insects. Not all citizens and citizens have performed this art of control. If you are aware of the fact that the “Gstetten” are a problem, it is possible to get the English breeds on the head. Others see it as the beauty is a wild flower meadow, which is standardly changed. “Of course, more is scoffed at as gelobt. We have often received positive feedback and we have heard much more, said Klingler. There is a wild flower meadow that is not used, but it is not possible. It was all done best, it could be looked at once.

Stadtgartenverwaltung Innsbruck Reichenau


The great Gelände der Innsbrucker Stadtgartenverwaltung in der Reichenau

Plants were self-sucked

In a larger area in the Innsbruck Reichenau you should use the Herz der Stadtgartenverwaltung. In large glass and foil houses the most used Pflanzen were sucked themselves. If it is really so, the alpine climate in Innsbruck is a robust and robust gedeihen. Here you will find the Buros and the joint Fuhrpark. When a party – so the teams of the city’s fellow – got a few nice best results for a Kreisverkehr-order, an Lkw was loaded and a Ort and Stelle brought. Blütenmeer in the city is also a logistical herausvorderung.

Innsbrucker Stadtgärtner bij der Arbeit


One of the teams of the Innsbrucker Stadtgärtner at Jäten and Pflegen der Anlage for the Olympiaworld

Around 25,000 plants were set up in Innsbruck every year. What do you think of the own garden of the upper city gardens? “I don’t feel like it”, laughed Thomas Klingler on this Question. “I have a few steep slopes on the balcony, I’m a bit crazy.” It can be a robbery of the full shovels.