
Kakao-Gel kan ersetzen, een Schokolade zu machen

Thus: Kakao-Gel ersetzt Zucker in the recovery of nachhaltigerer Schokolade
If the new Chocolate Recovery Lung Treatment uses the common Kakao fruit – Fruit Flesh, Shell and Safe – is no longer the Bohnen. Image: Adobe
Kerry Taylor-Smith

Kerry Taylor-Smith Meteorized Vereinigtes Königreich 6 minutes

Switzerland is next to Belgium the European Cradle of ChocolateAnd so it is not surprising that Schweizer Wissenschaftler has a method Restoration of chocolate have developed with them not only the Bohnen, but the wholeshort big Cocoa fruit is usedand black without Zucker.

The cocoa fruit is very nutritious, is often thrown away and rotted in the fields. Food scientists of the ETH Zurich have A path was found, the fruit, the safety and the scale for the chocolate production used, a process for the Kakaobaern making more and more profitable machines.

Safely sweet

Laut Kim Mishra vom Institut für Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit Liegt der Schlüssel zur neuen Schokolade in ihrem sehr süßen, fruitigen Saftit’s a matter of Ananas schmeckt. Dieser Saft met 14% Zucker zu einem hochkonzentrierten Sirup distilliert, before with the fruit fleisch and der Schale – which getrocknet and pulverisiert wird – zu an extremely sweet Kakaogel sister ammengeführt wird. This gel is used by the Kakaobohnen of the Herstellung of Schokolade beigefügt and the power of the Einsatz of Zucker overflüssig.

It is the safety of the Kakaopflanze that gives Kakao-Gel the power over the Einsatz of Zucker in a large amount of air currents.

That specific recipe for fresh fruit chocolate If the Wissenschaftler, after systematically changing the texture in the Labor, have been tried and tested. If the fruit was extracted from the fruit, the chocolate would be clumpy (it was not the same as the Puderzucker treat), but the hinges would be slightly extracted. war die Schokolade nicht süß genug.

Geschulte Panelisten der Berner Fachhochschule try the chocolateparts with unused mixtures, parts with the new, with Cocoa Gel soothed sort, a sensory experience of new recipes to test. “So you can die Süsse unserer Rezeptur, ausgedrückt in der entsprechenden Menge Puderzuckerempirically proven,” says Mishra.

Chocolate with up to 20% Gel with 5-10% puderzucker. In comparison, the mixture may contain 30-40% powdered sugar.

Can Chocolatiers be viewed on Zucker?

Mishra has briefed Zucker on the global power of the dairy industry and the huge subsidies that are in place while they die cheapest option in Food items he says: “For a ton of sugar he would earn $500 (£394) or more.

Kakaopulpe and sap cost more, so that new Schokolade teurer was true. The interest a large Swiss manufacturer, who does not use the Bohnen or the Kakaofrüchte, to wait jedoch; Neither Bisher nor Keiner von de Zucker was completely eliminated. Mishra is courting Jedoch, muty chocolate makers if you think so, you should test the market and test the system.

Chocolate with Cocoa Gel is a healthy food

Let the Chocolate pass through the Cocoa Gel higher ballast storage As the durable European Zartbitterchokolade (15 g per 100 g total 12 g), a Steigerung van etwa 20% entspricht. Enjoy the chocolate with kakao and früchten 23 g, prepared with tasty snacks 33 g, there was a 30% increase in participation.

“Ballast material is a physiological study, it is regular on the natural well-being of health and prevented, that is the Blutzuckerspiegel when storing chocolate get started quickly. Healthy benefits can be taken into account during the health risks involved. It is the best choice to reach a higher level and create a higher risk for the Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen,” erklärt Mishra.

Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen der Landwirte

The project, a KOA, a Swiss Start-up Company, which is famous for its sustainable Kakaoanbau, started a war, so it will not die Nachhaltigkeit der Schokoladenproduction to be refreshedbut also the cocoa industryIn the meantime, the Kakaobauern hilft, more of their products for marketing.

“The best thing is that the Bauern nicht now that the Bohnen could be bought, even if the Fruit Fleischsaft and the Endokarp trocknen, zu Pulver mahlen and ebenfalls could be bought,” Mishra explains. “Damn it Einkommen aus three Wertschöpfungsströmen soul. And more Wertschöpfung for the Kakaofrucht power is more important.”

Thus: Kakao-Gel ersetzt Zucker in the recovery of nachhaltigerer Schokolade
The new Verfahren is interested in interest, after Chocolate with Cocoa Gel has become so bare in the Supermarket shelves. Image: Adobe.

By the Verwendung ganzer Früchte foreign also the Lebensmittelverschwendung verringertwas a small one, but there was no question of climbing the climbing trails that can be done.

“We have said black, our chocolate is attractive and with more original chocolate versatile sensory experiences because, after the combined Wertschöpfungskette must be passed, angefangen bei the Kakao producers, die Drainage“good,” says Mishra.

“Nowadays, the chocolate restorers in the Low Sein are largely restoring chocolate from chocolate fruits and their purchases when the workers in the workplace are recovering pulver. This is the best thing to do. Chance, the chocolate with Kakaofrüchten in the future will be found in the Regalen.


Mishra K, et al. (2024) The valorisation of cocoa fruit waste streams improves the nutritional value and sustainability of chocolateNatural food.