
Stemwede: A tasty snack for folk rock fans

Stemwede: A tasty snack for folk rock fans

At 19 o’clock he played the “North Alone Duo” with Manuel North (vocals and acoustic guitar) and So-Kumneth Sim (black). The entrance is free. In the break there is a hut, one of the musicians who does the same.

“Manuel North is the Zweifel who is one of the greatest musicians in Osnabrück and the surrounding area. Solo, as a Duo or with a complete Band, more than 500 Concerts, another in the Vorprogramma of Frank Turner, are played,” the Veranstalter wrote.

I am a Frank Turner preview

The music is authentic, direct and dominant with a bit of playful playfulness, which JFK shares. “Not that the Reibeisenstimme of Manuel North originated, it is a great experience, who is the first Whiskey in the Wochenende schmeckt, who radiates the music. Dazu sold himself the Geige von So-Kumneth Sin, the music that seduces under the Note. “

Manuel North has a sympathetic and open-minded Kumpel-Attitude in the area and a cheerful international, widely traveled musical gesture. “So grab folk rock and country fans for the secret stereo installation of Fernweh. It’s a question of icing, the man is here with a German kitchen and not with a wash of the Akustik-Raubein from the State”, with the Stemweder Verein.

The concert was supported by the wonderful Federal Government for Culture, Media and Initiative Music in the basic programs “Live 500”.