
Kleindienst legdet Gladbacher Fluute: 2:0 in Bochum

Kleindienst legdet Gladbacher Fluute: 2:0 in Bochum

Burtstagskind Tim Kleindienst has quickly turned Borussia Mönchengladbach’s long war into a Bundesliga experience. At 2:0 (0:0) over the VfL Bochum, Trainer Gerardo Seoane’s team first goes to its season as a mountain climber to play or play with the Grund zur Freude. Vor 26,000 Zuschauern im purchases Vonovia Ruhrstadion orgte Neuzugang Kleindienst (61.) en seinem 29. Ehrentag für die 1:0-Führung and achieved the two goals of Franck Honorat (78.) for. Damit is perfect at the start of the Bochumer season with three lost Pflichtplayen.

At the Vortag of AS Rom-transferierten Manu Koné, with a beef 20 Millionen Euro the fourthöchsten Transfererlös der Vereinsgeschichte brought, the guests were a Spielcontrol-bemüht. The leading pressing of the gegners can cause problems. The first Torchance of the party was the Bochumer, when the switch from the Japanese Koji Miyoshi to the English Drittligisten Birmingham City, nor on the Kader stand. However, the Schuss von Philipp Hofmann in the halblinker position went well with the long Pfosten vorbei.

Weckruf for Gladbach

If Gladbacher notices this issue, there is a weckruff. With zunehmender Spielzeit you can use more and more the Oberhand and the pressure on the Bochumer Tor. Kevin Stöger, from the Revierclub in the end of the decline of the tragedy Rolle zum Happy End in the relegation, conceals the war, a war that drives a goal to make the club nahe. So clear Abwehrspieler Ibrahima Sissoko a Schuss des Gladbacher Neuzugangs (25.) kurz vor der Torlinie. Now a minute später painted Stöger das VfL-Tor with a Schuss von der Strafraumgrenze nur knapp.

Anyway, the champion spirit of both can get the best out of the Bundesliga game. When you pause, play together with both Strafroumen ab. The Gladbacher who told his spielfreudiger, were in the fear of damage.

More life after the break

The German article is about the break. When the war in the Bochumer was rewarded, the Aliou Baldé of the Führung was no longer present. Other pages where Gladbachern a hit by Honorat (52.) nach VAR-Beweis wegen Abseitsstellung verweigert is. When we visit the stay in the travel industry a few minutes later, a new war is being fought for the higher Unterhaltungswert.

The great playing potential of Borussia is finally a fact. After seeing the flank of the war of honor, the small service for the head of the Stelle and the arrangement of the sweating Saisontreffer for the deserved fuhrung-winning teams.

Only a few spaeters thanked his Kleindienst on his Weise at Torvorbereiter. There are serious Heidenheimer servants by Franzosen Honorat, the distance to the separation sorting. (dpa)