
Jawort am Fjord: Princess heir US-Schamanen – Ärger um Exklusiv-Vertrag

Jawort am Fjord: Princess heir US-Schamanen – Ärger um Exklusiv-Vertrag

It is the highest place in the life of one of the older kulisses: the Norwegian prince Märtha Louise (52) and the self-confident Shaman Durek Verrett (49) are in the manly Geirangerfjord in the Bund der Ehe geschlossen. More than two years after the Verlobung, the Tochter von King Harald V. and his partner from the USA are going to a Zeremonie in a geschlossenen Zelt das Jawort. The best results from the printing of the high time of the Norwegian Media, who on the Trauung-wegen an extensive Exclusive rights for a British Promi-Magazin have, are not so exciting.

A guest message to the Rundfunksender NRK from an “absolutely magical” Zeremonie with Gospel and ganz veld Liebe. “We were very happy.” Another article from the newspaper “Verdens Gang” with the words: “Hollywood trifft Geiranger. Es was sehr schön.”

Norway’s Märtha Louise hat was stolen

The Braut couple is determined to quit white lakes. Calls from the channels TV 2 said the Princess who was on a white Braut dress while he smoked while smoking, who there was a king who held an embrace. As a man of the Prince, Verrett is now an official member of the royal family. A title is not true.


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After a night at the end of the day Cocktails in the next day Hotel wartete am Abend die great high quality on the Brautpaar and the 350 loaded guests. Vor der Trauung wrote zahlreiche Gäste über einen roten Teppich, velde davon in traditional norwegischer Tracht.

Während König Harald (87) and his Sohn Kronprinz Haakon (51) on Smoking beziehungsweise Anzug setzten, trugen auch Königin Sonja (87), Kronprinzessin Mette-Marit (51) as well as Erbprinzessin Ingrid Alexandra (20) and Prinz Sverre Magnus (18) Tracht . Mette-Marits Sohn from a früheren Beziehung, Marius Borg Høiby (27), war niece dabei. The fact is that the Monat has become Rolled.

Use a pair of mit Hang zur Esoterik

Märtha Louise is the greatest kind of royal couple and the great Schwester von Thronfolger Haakon. She is herself the Number Four of the Norwegian Thronfolge. For the prince it is the highest time in his life: the war from 2002 to 2017 with the writer Ari Behn (1972-2019) has become definitive. Out of marriage, she has three daughters. They are gilded as interesting, spiritual and esoteric.

Verrett ist nach eigenen Angaben Schamane in sechster Familiengeneration. In the spiritual field, the Californian tribes of 49-year-old people will rise to the top of their lives. “Shamanismus bedeutet im Grunde, dass ich eine Brücke zur Geisterwelt bin” is a fact. Criticism of the question of how the theory of illness deals with and where Ursachen originally came from. There is always a daily misunderstanding and a story about Rassismus.

2019 is a few of the best things you can do, but it is a great experience that friends know. It is always so that you can connect with the prince and the eccentrically geltenden shamans that are used. The criticism focuses on another way to use alternative medical treatments – another person is behauptet, one of his verkauftes medallion has his geholfen, a corona infection by the most.

Controversy over an anti-corona medallion and princely title

If you have done some of the best things, Märtha Louises has Prinzessinnentitle for kommerzielle Zwecke auszunutzen. Dieserf rührt aus die Anfangszeit der Beziehung her, as both die as “Die Prinzessin und der Schamane” auf Vortragstour had gone. Neither in the present year was it possible to make a decision, but that Märtha Louise was born in the title. 2022 will see the end of all official functions of the Royal Family, a Rolle am Hof ​​​​and its geschäftlichen Tätigkeiten deutlicher voneinander zu tREN.

If the high expectations are more, you will have an exclusive offer with the promi-magazine „Hello!“: Add all conventions that make a few exclusive photos of the trip and high time for an indisputable overview of the magazine. A Netflix team has secured the film rights. The secret middle class would the day of the decisive moments of the ausgeschlossen of the Eheschließung – a farce, like many of their bright powers.

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De partystimmung tat der Ärger keinen Abbruch. Schon and both Vortagen hatten Märtha Louise and Verrett with their heads in Norway and the USA were visiting guests. First there is a Kennenlernparty in nearby Ålesund, then a Salsa Party in Geiranger, where Verrett and Märtha Louise are the guests with their Hüftschwung spirits.

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While the own Trauung and the High Time Feier were then a Royals from Ausland with the Partie, a German weniger became as the first High Time of Märtha Louise. The Swedish Thronfolgerin Kronprinzessin Victoria (47) came with his Man Prinz Daniel (50) sees his Brother Prinz Carl Philip (45) and the woman Prinzessin Sofia (39) after Geiranger. Also Prinz Constantijn (54) and Prinzessin Laurentien (58) from the Netherlands were among the guests. (dpa/mp)