
SVW with a strong voice Starts at 22 years old –

SVW with a strong voice Starts at 22 years old –

And wieder kein Sieg. If in Derby the 1. FC Saarbrücken at SV Waldhof Mannheim on Samstag nicht as siege on the Platz, stattdessen cashierten the construction completed the dritte Pleite in that season. Nur ein Punkt aus vier Spielen can no longer be found on the Tablenplatz, but on the worst start of the season in 22 years. Trainer Marco Antwerpen will die Verantwortung übernehmen.

“A classic bad start”

No, it’s no longer fun with that Bilanz: “That’s a classier Fehlstart, that’s just the same”, after Antwerp after the Derby-Niederlage at the microphone of “MagentaSport” and Blatt for the Mund. Schließlich stehen die Buwe with now a Punkt from four Spielen on the letzten Tablelenplatz. It is the worst season since 2002, when Mannheim lost the first four games of all – not even in the 2. Bundesliga.

Knackpunkt: Zum wiederholten Mal in the Saison sah de Hintermannschaft beim Gentor nicht gut aus, nachdem Keeper Hanin den Ball nach a Flanke emptylich in the Mitte abgewehrt hatte (41.). “Man must consider the nature of the things that we discuss in the future”, Antwerp’s war with the Leistung Seiner Mannschaft “absolutely is not compromised” and said that it is “bigger”.

The Buwe were black in the Laufe der Partie, but insgesamt blieb der SVW zu blass – and hatte sogar Glück, dass Saarbrücken nor an eleven meter difference. “Wir haben zünig Eigeninitiative für einen Treffer gezeigt”, schimpfte der 52-Jährige – and forderte züdem more Eigenmotivatie seitens der Spieler: “In a Derby we must bring more to the Platz. That must be the hinterfragen, but that is the Maximum war.”

“Nehme mich in die Verantwortung”

Under the Strich a “bitter Nachmittag”, one of the first on Montag obliged Henning Matriciani nichts konnte. “We had already taken care of our situation, but it was not addressed,” said the 24-year-old from Anhieb in the Startelf stand. The Gegentor, like a kopfball from Vasiliadis drunter through the jump, is “fell a distorted image” of the Matriciani self-critical one. In the preceding Länderspielpause there is no longer any passion. Who can end the Wende-gels? Der Innenverteidiger weiß Rat: “Wir müssen die Fehler attuning, before they became clearer, hinted at more exciting games and became more soul-stretching.”

All aspects, a Danish Antwerp with his team in the next two weeks must work. “I take more responsibility than every player, but I will not return”, and the 52-year-old clear words. It is important that you are aware of the fact that you are a “right path”. Reality looks different. Antwerp too must say the following: “It does not function like this, it is like this. With a point from four playground equipment that can no longer play.”

Muss der Waldhof also available on the Transfermarkt? Mannheim’s Coach has a clear opinion: “If you play a new game, it cannot be the right way.” If Krisengipfel the ebenfalls nor FC Hansa Rostock in two weeks weird is weitgehend der active Kader aimed müssen. Before playing the Freitag or the Landepokal game, VfR Gommersdorf from the Landesliga plays a. “Wir müssen Lösungen finden en sind gefordert, diese auch zu präsentieren”, so Antwerp. I have to worry about the construction of Niklas Hoffmann, with problems associated with the problems after 26 minutes.

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