
Supercup: Premieren-Sieg: Berlin holt erstmals Handball-Supercup

Supercup: Premieren-Sieg: Berlin holt erstmals Handball-Supercup

Herausforderer Füchse Berlin hat die Titel-Jäger des SC Magdeburg ausgebremst en zum ersten Mal in der Vereinsgeschichte den Handball-Supercup won. The German Vizemeister setzte sich vor 9,034 Zuschauern in Düsseldorf against the Meister and Pokalsieger with 32:30 (17:17) during and indeed two days before the Premieren-Sieg in the beginning of 1994.

2014 of the Hauptstadt-Club, for the Jerry Tollbring with the new Tower best war war, the Supercup-Duell won the THW Kiel. The Magdeburger reichten on a new Tore von Omar Ingi Magnusson is never again Triumph driven in 1996 and 2001.

You can win the SCM trophy after the successful season in the Vereinsgeschichte by winning the mastership, the DHB-Pokals and the Club-WM which are further filled. Trotz der Niederlage zählt das Team von Trainer Bennet Wiegert auch in de am kommenden Donnerstag begins Bundesligasison zu den heissen Titel-Candidaten.

In the temporal part, the rhythm can be played in rhythm and the minutes in minutes with 6:4. But then Magdeburg came along into the rolls and wake with a 4:0 launch. Insbesondere Rückraumspieler Albin Lagergren ends up in that phase when the Vollstrecker comes out.

While the Füchsen superstar Mathias Gids is now in second place at the Olympia-Gold with Denmark for three weeks. In the first phase of the journey of 25 years nur zweimal. Ben Ende scored four goals. Signals Job as Torschütze übernahmen others, all for Linksaußen Tollbring and Rückraumspieler Lasse Andersson (7). So the work itself is done in a way that ensures that the job is done in the hands.

Nevertheless, the party began after the Wechsel which was zero and with Rückkehrer Nikola Portner between the Pfosten des Magdeburger Tores. For the Swiss war, the first Pflichtspiel is in April, if there is a positive suspension of the doping probe, war will be.

Portners can best book the entry of the Doping-Mitteln-organization and fight for new matches in the League. Allerdings have fallen on the Antrag of the National Anti-Doping-Agentur on a still not ended time point before the International Sports Court deals.

The game is playing and scary. No team could abstain separately. In the dramatic Schlussphase hatte then Berlin the besseren Nerven and bejubelte ausgelassen the deserving Sieg.

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