
Lewis Hamilton “stinksauer”, denn: “Müsste auf Pole stehen!”

Lewis Hamilton “stinksauer”, denn: “Müsste auf Pole stehen!”

( – Some other Tifosi had a great time, Ferrari’s new Heilsbringer on Saturday was prophylactic in the jubilation: after the best time in sweat and practice, including the fastest runs in Q2, Lewis Hamilton was the favorite on pole in Monza.

Photo to news: Lewis Hamilton "stinking"say: "Must be on the pole!"

Lewis Hamilton says: The Brit has lost a big way



Kein Wunder ook, dass nach Platz sechs Ernüchterung und Enttäuschung herrschen beim Briten: “Oh, I am stinksauer”, said Hamilton in Anschluss and qualification: “Absolut stinksauer, weil I hätte on Pole stehen müssen! I think I think I have it If I have made the first start, it is time to solve.”

The basic information about the new Ferrari Pilot is that of its own design: “I have the job at the end of my life without any hinges, but I have another zehntel in the course and both are lost, then still a zehntel in the last course. Also dafür but there are no guilty parties, please let me know.”

Allein: Neu sind die Schwierigkeiten des Rekordweltmeisters im Qualifying nicht, vader wie hen die een roter Faden durch Hamiltons Samstage anno 2024: “The qualification is still a long way with my Schwäche, and I can’t even achieve it”, so Hamilton, still campy, said, “I’ll do it again.”

Hamilton looks on: “Absolutely happy with me”

The Briton lands heavy in front of the Red Bulls of Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez, but shows both Ferraris and all teammate George Russell the most recent starting place for the silver flight. Let Hamilton know that he is struggling with the McLarens and the Spitze-zugetraut …

Stattdessen “werde me die nächsten wahrscheinlich ein bisschen in den Hintern beißen”, räumt der Brite ein, en spart dabei wahrlich nicht mit Selbstkritik: “I have a single piece of the maximum rauszoet”, thus Hamilton: “Absolut lächerlich von mir, komplett inakzeptabel . That is totally my hair, like nobody.”

Photo to news: Lewis Hamilton "stinking"say: "Must be on the pole!"

Unsatisfied: Lewis Hamilton couldn’t get the most out of the Mercedes gaps in Monza



Hamilton’s team made the following statement: “I’ve had a good race car and the team has done a fantastic job on Wednesday. The car has become so popular and if I’ve shown the race. A team that deserves the credit. We’re looking at the question with Kimi,” Hamilton said in conversation with Nachfolger Antonelli, of the Saturday morning offiziell verkündet wurde.

Wolff glaubt: Wind treasures can suffer damage

Mercedes Team Chief Toto Wolff sees the uncertainty after qualifying the German team as a sign of frustration for Fahrer, not to mention Hamilton in Schutz: “We speak of so few disappointments. I am, it is a half-way between them, so there are three or four positions in the unparalleled.” power cannot be a boring person,” the Wiener explains at Sky with Blick on Ergebnis.

In Consideration of Hamilton’s Problems, Wolff said: “I am happy, because of Lewis’s fortunes, because of the wind (am Vordermann) during the war. And with the light of the wind, the wind treasures are more dire as it is brought. We are happy with the cars in the Solchen Turbulens then last.” that war failed.’

Vordermann’s turbulence, however faster it goes, Hamilton has definitely gone on the Rennen – for the British who have seen the greatest ground themselves, one thing that is so: “That is the chance, he had to fight for the victory, from the I think tomorrow it will be a bit as nice to see, and to rally, while the Ferrari-previous was a bit on the podium to see.”

In this case it will last with the Jubilation of the Tifosi warnings…