
Is Switzerland a safe haven?

Is Switzerland a safe haven?

Nor nie haben sich die Reiche in Dubai niedergelassen wie dieses Jahr. Viele, who from Telegram chief Pawel Durow, loben the Neutralität and the Security into his new Home.

If you want more certainty: the Dubai Marina in the United Arab Emirates.

If you want more certainty: the Dubai Marina in the United Arab Emirates.

Thomas Meyer / Oostkreuz

In the country of the global elite, the temperature is high enough: the thermometer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is at 41 degrees Celsius and the war is still not that big. Of course, spend the summer months on a jump in the Persian golf course Abkühlung.

Trotz dem extremen Klima has been run over 6,700 million million from all the Herren Ländern in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Co. Living room nehmen. This Schätzung comes from Henley & Partners, an Unternehmen, that you are living with well-being since half a century, a new Domizil zu find or there in Besitz a sister Passes zu kommen.

So Zuzüger fell wie noch nie

Damit the UAE hangs all other desired destinations of the Reich. The US has received a clear defeat with 3800 devices. And the UAE would get its own record-breaking with these beasts. Last year “only” 4700 million new ones were added.

“The UAE is occupying the absolute peak at the Ansiedelung von Millionären and new companies, we will do everything right and see in Europe, it is not easy,” says Christian Kälin, Chairman of Henley & Partners. The UAE has been strategic and strategic.

It is not that suppressing the suppression or the worried states is one of the reasons that the Persian wave is standing aside. So whoever has the Russian telegram chief and multibillionaire Pawel Durow is now the French Justiz-ermittelt.

Neutral countries

The fact is that the years have begun from Russia, but it is worth going to war. If Messaging-Dienst is kompromisslos for free meinungsäusserung and End-zu-End-Verschlüsselung setzt – auch für Kriminelle –, there is also other Regierungen ein Dorn im Auge. Therefore, my last week in France was taken into consideration.

You could work in California and the US if you are an FBI observer. Now that is Zelte in the UAE storage. This neutral country is ideal for a neutral platform with Telegram, it is a long interview with American TV moderator Tucker Carlson. There is no place where the Behörden beheligt worden.

Since the border with Durow and the Empire in China or Iran no more massive air in the UAE finds. Also from Europe there is abseiling. A weld that no longer lasts is when the green power is illuminated.

Magnet for Europe

The German Empire from other continents has become new with the «stabilization» as motivation, as in Dubai or Abu Dhabi in the following countries: «Dass auch Europe in the UAE is a new world, there are new Phänomen», says Gerhard Strasser , geschäftsführender Partner of Emirates installation. Seine Agentur hilft Ausländern, am Persian Golf Firmen zu gründen.

Of course, people first get a firm feeling. “Aber gerade Auswanderer aus Deutschland nennen de zunehmende political polarization und strassenkriminalität als Gründe, ihrem Heimatland den Rücken zu khren”, erzählt Strasser. Selbst Kriegsängste spielten eenine Rolle: “Manche Europäer beantragen aine Aufenthaltsbewilligung in de UAE, om een ​​zweite Heimbasis z haben – für den Fall, dass ich die Lage nichtzenpitzen sollte.”

Christian Kälin von Henley & Partners travels to Dubai as the “safe harbor leader”, who in this capacity has been able to travel to Switzerland – with extreme climate.

38,000 new homes built

And that harbor is far from fruitful: these years will yield a forecast of 38,000 new homes. But Dubai was not in Dubai, it is not one of the best projects that are broadcast during the Tausendundeiner Nacht. Etwa the Downtown Circle, a construction that the Burj Khalifa at 500 meters high as a giant swinging ring should enclose.

Or the «Moon Resort Dubai», a complicated hotel in Mondform including Shuttle, with the man on the top floor of the warm milk coolers can.

It’s not that a home is not coming, but you can solve the foreign situation yourself. “If you are in the world of a crisis with the Covid pandemic or the Ukraine-Krieg, bring people the whole world in the money after Dubai in the certainty and invest more in its real estate market,” says Strasser. “With the Ergebnis, the Bauwirtschaft has grown enormously here.”

Local real estate developer Binghatti Properties has a factory in the second half of the year that runs 12,000 new homes and can sell in Gelderland in Egypt and in Turkey. “We have told investors a wool story in the future in the Landes countries, one of the ways that company CEO Muhammad Binghatti worked in Bloomberg this week.

Airport for 260 million passengers

Before everything will happen, Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum will make a targeted flight. The war at Dubai International Airport lasted for years with a flight of 87 million dollars at the number two in the world, the gentleman of Dubai was one of the few. The new Flughafen Al Maktoum International Airport has capital for 260 million flights.

Clear Vision is a punk economic fantasy: the last years of the D33 reform agenda are projecting a doubling of Dubai’s economic performance until the year 2033. It is not that things are no longer going as well as in the years that followed.

Proudly: In the UAE, the Bible herb “Whoever has it, they are given” can be. “If the global hub of Dubai along the coast was as interesting as London or New York, another with its specific characteristics in Asia was coherent,” said Kälin. “Je schneller Dubai could enjoy more of its net effect: It is more attractive if it is more proportional.”

If we look at the UAE branch of the Futures industry with AI or Blockchain: Während and the US-Beheers are still not clear, how Bitcoin and Co. deal with wool, the Emirati crypto millionaires – of which 172,000 are supposed to be born – are rolling out the red thread.

No wonder the two Swiss crypto banks Amina and Sygnum are found in a Lizenz in Abu Dhabi. All original Swiss banks are long ago for Ort. One of the language models Falcon in Abu Dhabi is one of the best learning conditions and the best AI system in the world.

A hereditary factor at Diesem Wachstum due to unbridled immigration is: Not Bürokraten entscheiden darüber, wer a Arbeitsbewilligung erhält, under meist nur das Geld. For those who are eligible for an employment contract with a monthly payment of more than 11,600 francs, they will receive a “golden visa” for their work. These rights apply to an Aufenthalt during their final year. And then, even a Visa for Zuwanderer sponsorship of your können.

Runter von der Geldwäscherei-List

One of the most recent developments in the state of affairs in Dubai and Abu Dhabi has become a political issue in the Tag: Obwohl is vor Russen, which goes beyond international money matters, which the UAE can offer a separate period in February. You can use the entire Geldwäscherei-Images in full.

“There is a war for the central UAE, from the grey list of states that are in the suspect states, money laundering to be possible,” said Gerhard Strasser of Emirates Setup. “The rules are strictly speaking – it is a matter of Germany with a direct transaction with Russia towards Dubai.”

Also, the Unternehmenssteuern show that UAE with different documents Konzessionen an the international community davonzukommen: Since January gilded black a Steuersatz von 9 Prozent. But or OECD-Mindeststeuersatz has eigentlich 15 Prozent – ​​​​one of them is now a Steueroasen who from the Canton of Zug zu orienteren.

If you stop being squirrely, reiche Erdol is expanding under pressure from the setzen, says an acquaintance of the Gulf state’s small energy-saving measures. If you look at the UAE after discovering it, there is a report. It is a false solution.

Notes as to the inheritance of international travel arrangements is Dubai’s Sicherer-Hafen-Status. The UAE demonstrations that immigration and stability are not possible have disappeared. It is worth attacking the Schleusen für Einwanderer auch Bewohnern von ärmeren Ländern: Zahlenmässig dominate these Zuzüger sogar bei item: If you lie about Ägypten, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Während man in Deutschland an “Nordafrikanischen Intensivetätern” verzweifelt en in Schwedens Ausländerquartieren Mitglieder von Drogenclans wild um sich schiessen, verhalten sich Zuwanderer aus the gleichen Ländern in the authoritarian regimes UAE gesittet: Sonst flight is a while raus.

Ausländer are always Ausländer

Criminalization is incomprehensible. “In Dubai, for a woman we want to see, it’s like going to bed alone at 2 a.m., like in Zurich, completely avoiding Berlin or London,” says Christian Kälin.

A natural gift is a persian gulf that offers no money for foreign or state alternatives. A labor-willing enterprise will have a lighter Niederlassungsbewilligung erhalten. If you eat a camel through a nadel, as the Australian citizen of the UAE becomes.

This unique system enables a first acquaintance with the migration flows with Christian Kälin. “The UAE has a one-sided immigration policy. It is an offense for foreigners, the work and the wool. Also for people from East Africa or the Syrians, said the Swiss entrepreneur.

In Europe, the paper becomes a strict travel policy daily in an uncontrolled illegal immigration. ‘If the last time is a bad thing, the man will not even work once. It costs Billiards and gives extreme political parties, so Kälin.

You increase political immunity in Europe and the United States and you are still shining, if control over immigration increases in the West, the shine of the cloud crater in Abu Dhabi and Dubai will increase.