
GRIP – FOCUS online

GRIP – FOCUS online

The INEOS Grenadier inspired by the Offroad Legend Defender missed with the next “Ideengebers”, the Land Rover Defender 110! When the INEOS an offroader of another variant of Schrot and Korn obtains – never again in the background on the rustic Design -, the Defender aims at the View into the Future. In both cases, a larger liter-liter turbodiesel, and a price that lies, is not so well used. The Grenadier is lovely with its 249 PS more performance than the Defender, of only 200 horsepower anthracite lasts – here, where all roads end, but long does not only provide pure power. The GRIP test driver Matthias Malmedie and Niki Schelle wollen deshalb erase, Welcher Offroad-Kracher in Gelände de Konkurrenten abhängt: Wer kann besser Kraxeln? Would you like more water? And where is the faster rider on the most used country trail, the man himself who prefers to walk fast?

Welcher Offroader mehr Punkte samelt – en wer buchstäblich absäuft – said GRIP on 01. September 2024 at 6:15 PM at RTLZWEI.

Susanne tends to help Adrian, first own car donate – as surplus! Because the anesthesia doctor has no more time for such and no other car hat, but goes about Andreas’ Help. When the 19-year-old night of such a pick-up service Mother white was, it is a double excess, if he once with Andreas for the Tür Steht is: There is an end to a car-bekommen – ausgesucht vom Kfz-Profi highly personal. What is there to the great gesture of his mother say? Susanne has no more than 115 PS in the car. You see Adrian differently of course. While it is the second mother, when a car with a Knautschzone gives a hint, a solid German vehicle is not bad. Up to 5,500 euros stand for the starter car for the introduction. Which appropriate Gebrauchten are Andreas for Fahranfänger Adrian, the übrigens auch noch fast zwei Meter groß ist, find?

With the DIY projects of the Berlin start-ups “Second Ride” the historic Simson mopeds have gotten into trouble due to E-drive. Fitted with the new E-Power, the Flitzer with 60 km/h speed and 70 kilometers of range are still faster than bisher and driving very environmentally friendly! GRIP electrical expert Alex Bangula studies the small start-up in the main city. Of course, the new Alex himself tries, who has such an E-Simson experience, and through the Lade-Technik it is used with ease. Outside the technology, there is a click in the housing and the technology. Impressed by a young Simson owner from Berlin when using mopeds from Mief-Zweitakter on clean E-Power. Both of them get that with combined forces really – completely without “screw commitment” – a unique afternoon hi, so who is the manufacturer obliged? And: the operation of the whole is a problem?