
Tipps vom Experten – Gepäck kommt nicht an? That’s a matter of concern

Tipps vom Experten – Gepäck kommt nicht an? That’s a matter of concern

Nikolaus Authried, Leader of the ÖAMTC-Rechtsberatung, weiß, worauf es ankommt, damit Reisende nicht auf dem Schaden bleiben. “The first write-up in the case of the suitcases is always the pleasure of reporting your traffic. This is also the case with the airport itself, the PIR-Formular (Property Irregularity Report) is filled. It is important to note that this is the case wa o’clock became,” Authried explains. “In general: The PIR Formula is not related to the notification of the airline and the travel system – it is important to know that you are concerned.”