
Ukraine-Krieg in Liveticker: +++ 01:39 Netherlands version Kiew 28 Panzerfahrzeuge +++

Ukraine-Krieg in Liveticker: +++ 01:39 Netherlands version Kiew 28 Panzerfahrzeuge +++

Ukraine-War on Liveticker
+++ 01:39 Dutch version Kiew 28 Panzerfahrzeuge +++

The Netherlands wants to provide 28 amphibious armored vehicles of the Viking Bandvagn S10 type and the Ukraine. The knowledge of the Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans on the platform X an. Brekelmans has shown the Dutch Marine Corps Ukrainian soldiers in contact with these vehicles. The Viking Bandvagn S10 equipped with rubber bands has 11 tons and can drive on all types of surfaces, including water. “Ukraine urgently needs help in the camp to become the Russian aggressor. Our fight for Ukraine has stopped Russia,” the minister said. If you want to find the statistics, this is not the case.

+++ 00:35 Ex-US General nennt Bidens Ukraine-Politik “schrecklich” +++
Former US general Ben Hodges has criticized Western policy, which is angry about Russia in Ukraine. The West has given a “clear definition of Soul”, Hodges said at the Globsec Forum in Prague, with the message “Kyiv Independent”. With the one-way march in the Russian Kursk Oblast, you can increase the pressure on the vocabulary. The White House has not taken a position, because an American politician does not want to help American policy. “This terrible policy, the tatsächliche Russian airfields better protected as Ukrainian civilists, is an impression of the matter, that will not have clear definitions of Soul”, Hodges said. The American commander said that the Biden government “with the most serious consequences – it was not that they wanted to be”.

+++ 23:25 Selenskyj drängt auf Erlaubnis für Angriffe auf Russland +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has informed the pressure on his partner with the Freigabe von Angriffen in Russia. “The Ukrainian Himmel of the Russian Gleitbomben zu säubern, is a lighter Schritt, a Russland in swings, an end of the Krieges and a dish that is fried,” said Selenskyj in his nightly Videoansprache. “We are interested in the quality of the Ukraine and the Ukrainians are safe and sound. We are proud of the long-term success as a long-term history and missiles.” You can find out more about your experiences, understand them, and see all the useful details of the Partner of the Ukraine. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Rustem Umerow has instructed the American channel CNN, the partner has seen the Russian Flugfelder, who came from the Ukrainian city, in the Reichsweite von Langstreckenwaffen.

+++ 22:15 Estonia and Latvia within a Russian Truppenabzug for 30 years +++
With a thought exploration in Estonia and Latvia on the 30th. Years of the Russian Streitkräfte from the two Baltic States. More than 50 years after the deliberation by the Soviet Red Army that acted on August 31, 1994, the Russian troops let the memory between the EU and NATO and the State fade away. In Tallinn and Riga, the presidents Alar Karis (Estonia) and Edgars Rinkevics (Latvia) are a symbolic, political and just Bedeutung der Ereignisse for three years. When the Truppenabzug was a real Unabhängigkeit noch der Weg naar 2004, the EU and NATO have become more begenen, concreteten both Staatsoberhäupter at Treffen with damals and the Abzugsverhandlungen with Russland beteiligten Personen. It is the Baltic States that have used the great support of Ukraine in their Abwehrkampf against Russia. When the beginning of the wars in the region of fear begins, the Soul of the Kreml Army is reached.

+++ 21:03 Ukrainian Kickboxing Weltmeister an der Front getötet +++
The 28-year-old kickboxing world master Roman Holovatiuk has fallen at the front in Ukraine. It is the Youth and Sports Committee of the Ukrainian parliaments with. Holovatiuk comes from the city of Kamjanez-Podilskyj in western Ukraine. The last 22 years is a national and international event, since 2017 during the World Games in Poland won a medal. Danach is one of the most successful careers and the world champion sport in the WAKO kickboxing. Zudem was a finalist at the World Games, World Champion, more winner of the World and European Cups and more Ukrainian Champion. After the Russian raid in February 2022, the castle is so voluntary by the army.

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