
Jubilation and Criticism after their Concerts – “Klimapolitisches Fiasko”

Jubilation and Criticism after their Concerts – “Klimapolitisches Fiasko”

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With the zehnten Konzert, Adele’s Konzert Marathon in Munich ended. Während Gastronomen über die Konzertreihe jubeln, warn Umweltschützer about the climate-politic next.

Munich – With the last Saturday evening (31 August), the seven-part concert series of British singer Adele ended in the Arena in Riem in Munich. The singer lost a month in the state capital – and his war cousin of the only Superstar, in August in Munich. The Adele Marathon, which is so good for coming up with ideas – which fans and local Wirtschaft cheerleaders are concerned with, is that the world champion is a “climate-politician fiasco” of his kind.

Adele has won her own stadium in Munich, worth over $70,000 on the Show Platz.
Adele has won her own Stadion in Munich, worth more than 70,000 dollars on the Show Platz. © IMAGO/Frank Hoermann/SVEN SIMON

Adele-Konzertreihe in Munich ends: fuller heritage for gastronomy

These visits in August were for the gastronomes in Munich and the surrounding area “eine tolle Geschichte”. Angela Inselkammer, President of the Bayerischen Hotel- und Gaststättenverbandes (Dehoga), described the situation of German press agency dpa: “As a summer fairy tale as that was”. If you have no experience left, then your concrete is: “The hotels were full – and their good rates.” That was never for Munich, but for the whole world. The August War for German gastronomy is a success. “The news was toll and the hard-won guests wanted to spend money”, according to the Inselkammer.

If you make profit from the city: if this enterprise is no longer maintained and cared for, go to money for money out and useless taxis or buses. The Munich Wirtschaftsreferent Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) has taken into account that the Konzertreihe der Stadt has introduced half a million euros.

Adele in Munich: a lot of local support for hundreds of millions of euros

Manfred Gößl, Head of the Industry and Trade Chamber (IHK) for Munich and Upper Bavaria, says: “We will benefit from a significant local contribution from more than millions of euros.” It is said: “Nach de Konzerten von Adele können wir aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht resumieren: Gastronomie und Hotels, Einzelhandel und Souvenirstände as well as Bus and Taxi services haben of the Konzertbesuchern suggiert, die in der Regel nicht nur für einen Tag in Munich.”

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Kritik an Konzertreihe von Adele in Munich: “climapolitisches Fiasko”

Kritik kam indeseiten des EU Climate Acts. “If the first view of the Entscheidung, the Konzertreihe and a stattfinden zu lassen, nachhaltiger as a Tournee in verschiedenen Stadt or sogar Ländern“, heißt is in one of the Mitteilung. If you are concerned about the situation, this is different.

“Adele’s fans are international, and obviously there is a climate change event, which means Adele is planning a concert series in Munich,” says Julian Vogels, Coordinator of the EU Climate Team. If you want to make a travel trip, you can make four concerts with the Flugzeug. „Adele enjoys playing in many European cities, enjoys the natural environment and also enjoys a small number of human beings, such as a comfortable flight experience.“ (lions with dpa)