
Was it good Autos-Design and great AI

Was it good Autos-Design and great AI

Wolfsburg. Michael Mauer is not the design chief of Volkswagen Konzers, he has been a design chief at Porsche for 20 years. Solch lange Amtszeiten since beim Stuttgarter Sportwagenbauer aber nicht gewöhnlich. In the History of Unternehmens the first of the four is a Design Chef. What would the car design be like because of the intelligent intelligence and was it possible to sell?

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“If it were Porsche, Porsche would now produce a few series – the 911, the Boxter and the Cayenne,” says Mauer in a Porsche veröffentlicht Interview. Damals has brought the designer together in Hofzaken and über-lijnphilosophy. “Deadlines are like unwanted direction,” he reports. In the big industry at Mercedes-Benz, Saab and GM there are more aggressive business activities.

The role of digitalization in the design process

Mauer ändert the Structures. Away from the leading designers of a number of designers who design the creative processes in the exterior and interior design of color and finishes. Beside yourself with your design process in recent years. “Wurde der Bereich User Experience beziehungsweise Driver Experience, who will it be at Porsche, connected, weil die digital Schnittstellen swiss Auto and Mensch immer more an Relevanz gewinnen“, explains Mauer.

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Consider the design process. “Digitalization has resulted in a radical development of the process. Früher hat is mitunter Wochen dauert, a model of überarbeiten. It is a night that is not rendered and tomorrow will see that man has ergebnis,” says Mauer. Great power is the intelligent intelligence. Although the Porsche Design Director at the sports car manufacturer has not received a full-fledged show model of the vehicles, there is no question of a full-fledged model. “If it is only about the quality of surface treatments, physical mass models are still irrelevant. Man sees a car and is a computer that works. Or a designer in my case – like at Porsche 911 – with his hand a finely polished hat,” says Mauer.

“The human factor is one of the most important arguments and quality marks – learned in their current artistic intelligence.”

Michael Mauer, Volkswagen Konzern and Porsche Design Chef

There is no form of security for a 1:1 model in an intuitive representation, but the 3D model can no longer be used. No idea, it is not another argument, but a role-playing game. “Handicraft has a very special meaning for identity and storytelling in a luxury brand. “The human factor is and remains a sales argument and quality mark – especially in times of artistic intelligence,” said Mauer. A complete computer design of Porsche cannot be carried out either.

The design process has become faster

It was always the case that the pace of the design processes was reached. It is a full-fledged matter that a designer gets a car with paper and paper or a tablet entwerf, who has a smart lifestyle as a diesel. “Earlier it has been three days, fräsen zu las model. You can best end up in a stunde situation. It is not bad about the creative development that something else has happened”, said Mauer. Ideas and ideas must be given further space, so that they can work. Before everyone starts talking, there is some reflection and critical thinking about the hints. “A happy accident when trying out and driving – we call them “Happy Accidents” – hear that. There is a high degree of design quality”, says Mauer.

Warum Designer von Anfang with a sign heard

Before all the chief designers get to work, the designer of Anfang and with a sign in the hole will choose a new vehicle. ‘In the war against automotive design for all packaging – with a story, when the basic structure becomes a car, the Blaupause war is celebrated. But good design leads to perfect proportions. And those were prepared for packaging defines”, says Mauer. A design must be made that a new product can be made with a design. Designer has a complete view of things. “With my work you define the brand identity and complete brand selection – and it is a strategic or greater meaning”, he explains.

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So it is Porsche with a look at history that has defined the design principle and the markings, with the next equipment variant. These people can help Mauer and other people in the world and more things. „Gerade, if it is good, there is no new way anymore. If you are a sight on a compass – but our carefreeness does not border on a navigation system, then the basis of the calculations is the genauen streckenverlauf vorgibt“, says Mauer.

For Porsche-Design der Zukunft heißt das Ganze: “Man will never recognize it at the first glance as a Porsche. As a new Porsche,” said Mauer. As Marke, Porsche was weiter waiter and a new model in Kategorien präsentieren, in denen man bisher nicht verten sei.