
Warum Cordula Weimann “Omas for Future” green hat

Warum Cordula Weimann “Omas for Future” green hat

“That question is no more, but my life in nature and the world of children cannot help but change,” says Cordula Weimann.

When the climbing protection movement “Omas for Future” is completed. Now that the book is published: “Omas for Future. Handeln! Aus Liebe zum Leben”. Darin writes to Weimann about the treatment and his soul for a better life.

Weimann, year 1959, beerbeitete nach Angaben ihres Verlags rund 40 Jahre als Unternehmerin im Bereich Sanierung von Denkmalschutzobjekten and ließ sich außerdem in verschiedenen ganzheitlichen Therapien ausbilden. 2019 has started with Harry Lehmann and the community “Leben in Einklang mit der Natur eV” with the Soul, which is self-reliant in the active questions about information. I enjoyed the “Omas for Future” for a year.

The Movement would for my Bildung zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von der Kulturorganisation der Vereinten Nationen Unesco ausgezeichnet.

“Standard moving motion”

The Omas for Future currently consists of around 90 active groups in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, Weimann explains in his book. They describe their goal as “a stable, self-motivated and standard-growing movement”. Each group has its own focus points, you are the Kompetenzen you encounter. You can focus on the automotive industry at a local and regional level.

Weimann has had a positive social effect – perhaps worth it during this period of new friendships, “so that there is an inspiring lifestyle, which provides for a halt and orientation in this uninterested time” series. If you do your utmost to achieve the right amount, if you do not want more, then it is possible at all.


The Omas for Future have become a Frauen-Empowerment-Gemeinschaft. “With 50 women who are not yet one of their souls, they will have to deal with their own personal encounters with many personal stories on our website,” says Weimann. “Our knowledge and ability, our lifestyle and our organizational talent are an enormous challenge for those who want to walk. Walking is extremely difficult.”

The treatment will continue if the Weimann government is a part of the party, which is “natural with democracy”. Bigger than ever would be by the AfD – among others, that party on the climate walk lie.

Die Krise als Chance begreifen

Is it possible that the plastics, the ressourcenvernieuwpung and the microplastic poisoning are carried out, while all the complications are there and the edge of the habitability is brought? This is not the Haltung of Cordula Weimann. It is clear that you are aware of the content and the overview that you have. The Grandma for Future sees in the Crisis an Opportunity: to buy a green, healthy, livable and humane Earth.

Thanks to modern technology, new energy, digitalization and smart intelligence, so to speak, the human being in the low, free of shady, in Rohstoffkreisläufen on a good Wohlstandniveau nachhoudtig and healthy to live. Aktuell but many people live in “a corrupted world”, criticizes Weimann. “If we offer a loan for money, there is no power that has a good power, but a bad power.”

Scandinavia as an example

The founder of the Climate Movement criticism is not only the gegenwärtige Wirtschaft; If you are looking for an alternative, it is wise to use a s the Scandinavian state as an example. The technology for energy transition is an example of Weimann. But who schnell der Umbau is, is an energy source, loan and the Bereitschaft dazu. What matters is that the creditworthiness of the company is increased: the material must be recruited in the Verwertungskringlauf. A sustainable, ecologic product that is applied to permanent plastic has fallen into microplastic.

Also on the topic of nutrition Weimann wants to rethink. This has no great influence on your own health, but on that of the Earth. If you are the Leipziger, the plan of the “Planetary Health Diet” is your own machine.

There was 2019 of an international team of scientists and saw only little meat, because more fruit and vegetables. The climate walk leaves Grandma for Future is also not lost. If you see the chance, it is a good idea to buy with power, the consequences thereof and of every setzbar are.

While college or university is getting more and more free time, it is a young following of the “Fridays for Future” movement on the street. You can call your jewelry regime a good climate policy.