
Entlassene Staatssekretärin complains about Landesregierung

Entlassene Staatssekretärin complains about Landesregierung

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The entlassen state secretary of Lamia Messari-Becker has legal knowledge of the Ruhestand vor. An unwanted fall in the Hessian national politics.

Wiesbaden – The fierce Hessian State Secretary of Lamia Messari-Becker, who is outside the country government of the current war, has received the information from the German press agencies that have made their previous pension payments. When it comes to that, the conflict has become a personal separation that is no longer in the political power of the countries, but now the legal dimension has disappeared.

Lamia Messari-Becker, am 29. March 2023 in the ZDF broadcast “Markus Lanz”.
Lamia Messari-Becker, am 29. March 2023 in the ZDF broadcast “Markus Lanz”. © teutopress/Imago

Ungewöhnliche Umstände in diesem speziellen Fall

The Minister of Economics Kaweh Mansoori (SPD) has chosen in July a part of the Wissenschaftlerin, the first of the renowned Thinktank Club of Rome as Mitglied-arrangement, which has taken over one of the “Fehlverhaltens” of the entlassen. A form of Begründung was not erorderliche gewesen, the State Secretary of Justice was a political company that would change the time of Angabe von Gründen in the previous century. The standard in these speziellen falls no more.

Laut Media reports accuse Mansoori of the Politik-Neuling Messari-Becker, in a conversation with Lehrern and the Schule eines ihrer Kinder ihre Position als Staatssecretariaat genutzt van his haben, a bessere Schulnote van erzwingen. The aggressive Prime Minister says it is not possible to adopt an empty attitude that we do not want. Messari-Becker knew the Anguiligungen zurück.

Hessian Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD).
Hessian Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD). © René Vigneron/Imago

Elterngespräche als schulrechtlich irrelevant eingestuft

The Finance Minister Armin Schwarz (CDU) has sharpened the political culture of the Landtags and his ministry has issued a “Sachverhaltsbericht” about a foreign policy of a debtor. Dieser would be a schulrechtliche irrelevant matter. This information can be further guided by the State Secretary and the Minister of Economic Law.

After the criticism of the session of the FDP parliamentary group Stefan Naas, who allowed the minister to speak, as Frau Messari-Becker, he kept the matters to himself and accepted his resignation. “Stichligte Belege for a faulty attitude is not yet today. The honor of Frau Messari-Becker must be restored.”

Mansoori has developed the “full support” of the SPD faction

Furthermore, the SPD state chairman Soren Bartol called his party collaborator Mansoori “as the driving force behind the state government. There are three important projects that you can undertake. It is a fact that the blessing is a signal, it is a trust.” There is a problem that a truncation in the enterprise will be used, when the use no longer serves the common cooperation. Mansoori geniuses “the complete support of the party and the faction. I think that these are not good notes, but a good idea for Hesse and the people, whose life will be a machenwollen.” (esa/dpa)