
Open-Air-Strandkino am Allersee voler Erfolg

Open-Air-Strandkino am Allersee voler Erfolg

(openPR) Sommerliche Filmabende begeisters Filmfans

Wolfsburg, 01.09.2024 – The open-air beach cinema in the Allersee area feels at home with its best film performances to an open sky with a gelungen-abschluss. If the credibility of the Chinese financial sector offers the Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG) a positive path to Bilanz.

“The Open-Air-Kino at Allersee was a year in the making and a fuller experience! “The interest in a great film experience was that both of us were very happy and were able to enjoy visitors and visitors from Wolfsburg and the region in the Allerpark,” reports Frank Hitzschke, Head of City Management at the WMG. “With our friends and family, our film experience, the Geschmack der Kinofans and the Open-Air-Strandkino inzwischen has become a celebration and the most credible component of the Wolfsburg summer programs. A grateful gold-plated sponsorship, the end-of-life sales once made possible. If you want to do your research a few years later, one of the new open-air beaches on the Allersee is your ideal location.”

In Liegestühlen en auf mitbrachten Decken nutzten trotz des teils during the Wetterse zahlreiche Filmfans die kostenvrij Veranstaltung am Ufer des Allersees. Durch die abwechslungsreiche Auswahl aktueller Blockbuster unterschiedlicher Genres war voor jeden Geschmack en jede Altersklasse der appropriate Film dabei: Am 23. en 24. anyway am 30. and 31. August said about the WMG those credible film highlights „Chantal in Maartensland“, “Aquaman: Lost Kingdom“ anyway “Everything is Kopf 2” and “Planet of the Affen: New Kingdom“. For a healthy living experience with mobile food and gastronomy. So you can enjoy the delicious food and besuch a delicious meal and Pizza or enjoy small quantities of Crêpes and fresh Popcorn.

Unterstützt wurde das Open-Air-Kino am Allersee von dem ADAC Niedersachsen/Sachsen-Anhalt e. V., from Allertal Immobilien eG, Antenne Niedersachsen, from AOK, from ASAP Holding GmbH, from Audi BKK, from Autostadt, from Autohaus Wolfsburg, from Brauerei Wolters, from Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Wolfsburg, from DOS Software-Systeme GmbH, from Designer Outlets Wolfsburg, gecko energy, Ehme de Riese, INJOY Wolfsburg, der möbelmeyer GmbH, Schröder rent a car, der Sparkasse Celle-Gifhorn-Wolfsburg, der Thieme GmbH & Co. KG, der WOBCOM GmbH, der Wolfsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung sowie den Wolfsburger Nachrichten .