
Construction assessment – Kottingbrunner Lärmschutzwände in Zeitplan

Construction assessment – Kottingbrunner Lärmschutzwände in Zeitplan

Invest more than 20 million euros for one year in the ÖBB in Schallschutzmaßnahmen. Rund 900 Kilometer Schallschutzwände entlang von Bahnstrecken bring the residents and residents more Ruhe and quality of life. In Kottingbrunn, the ÖBB nun abschnittsweise beef erects 1,900 meters of new Schallschutzwände. The Schallschutzwände has a height of 2 to 3 meters above Schienenoberkante. The project ran from 2024 to 2025 and cost 2.7 million. Euro. The financing takes place in ÖBB, Land Lower Austria and the market town of Kottingbrunn.

If the summer in the phase of a walk in the Bahnhofsbereich takes place, the first kilometer protection and it was more than half of the previous phase has become fruitful. I follow next year still further 850 meters from the Bahnhof vor- bzw. lagged.

Vom Fortschritt des Projects konnten sich Bundesrätin Bernadette Geieregger, Landtagsabgeordneter Peter Gerstner and Bürgermeister Christian Macho at a community Lokalaugenschein with ÖBB-Projektleiter Thomas Schöfmann überzeugen. Bürgermeister Christian Macho (ÖVP) concreted: “If the new protection swans in the Kottingbrunn center are an improvement in security, unhindered protection of the Gleisanlage is no longer possible.”

Nur bei Neubaustrecken, as well as better railway lines follow the ÖBB community with climate protection ministry, Ländern, Städten and Gemeinden das Ziel, for an efficient protection of the environment of the environment and the environment.

You can call the ÖBB the “Guideline for the technical improvement of the railway infrastructure of the Austrian Federal Railways”. The limit, if there is a warning for hereditary protection, is 55 dB at night and 65 dB for Tag. Because your Streckenabschnitte, who has established the Schallschutzsachverständige das Erreichen der Grenzwerte festgestellt, nun in Abstimmung mit dem Land Niederösterreich and der Gemeinde Kottingbrunn entsprechende Lärmschutzwände.