
Großpetersdorf: MeinBezirk Familienfest in der Westernstadt Lucky Town

Großpetersdorf: MeinBezirk Familienfest in der Westernstadt Lucky Town

The big “MeinBezirk Familienfest” represents the end of the Western season in Lucky Town Großpetersdorf with a special game and spa program.

GROSSPETERSDORF. That “My District Family Party” and on Saturday in the Western City City of Happiness Großpetersdorf stat. A cloud bridge lies on the party a small beginning, but knapp 1,000 Besucherinnen and Besucher All generations will never come to Lucky Town again.

Together with the Children’s friends Burgenland The great marketing team of MeinBezirk Burgenland has put together a fantastic and extensive family program. All bars and the saloon were opened. At the Kindershop you will find various accessories and souvenirs, in the Geiers Western Store you will find accessories for the Wild West fan. For a long war with the Lucky Town – Western specialties from the Freiluftküche the best is taken care of.

Photo booth and Torschusswand

MyBurgenland District stand with the Photo box for cool title photos of Mitnachhausenehmen parat. This is a thing Torschusswandat the small prize you earn, if you find the ball in the land of Netz.

Tagsabout care DJ “12Inch” for music in the Western city. At 6 p.m. went to the Saloon with the best country music of the “Country walkers” (Alex Kiss and Mike Dafert) further. This is made up and astonished Magician Patrick Kulo with the children’s show that is young and old, and visitors of Westernstadt.

Versatile program

At the play and Mitmach stations there are Pfeil- and Bogenschießen, Ponyreiten, Tattoobrush, Karussell, Torschusswand, several Bastelstations, a Button-Station, Kindermake-up and Glitzertattoos, Hüpfburgen, Riesenspiele, some Motorik-Stations as well as a Grandchild area with Babyhüpfburg.

All children can attend for free with a “Lucky Dog”, pony rides and a goodie bag with small gifts.

28 years Weststadt

In 1997 Fritz, Sascha and Uncle Mike started their own Westernstadt. Since 2001 Lucky Town starts working in its current location.
Jeden Montag von Anfang and his late August experienced the “Wild West” as a comeback and saw Jung and Alt in his Bann. With the Flair der Prärie, fell Familieherzblut and purer Regionalität – with Gebäck and Mehlspeisen der Bäckerei Pock of Fleisch von Loschy from Großpetersdorf – lockt Familie Wurglits since 28 Years Tausende Besucher aus nah and fern an – sogar aus de USA kommen jedes Jahr Gaste . This war with Grund, that Lucky Town was able to receive the “Burgenländischen Regionalitätspreis”.

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