
Aldi & Lidl bekommen Konkurrenz – Supermarket with new Konzept in Germany

Aldi & Lidl bekommen Konkurrenz – Supermarket with new Konzept in Germany

In Germany there is a new supermarket where the Lidl Manager can find a new supermarket. Der Laden is a small supermarket at the Lidl or the Aldi, which has a different concept, but that has never happened in Germany. In the future, the shop with its own branches should be located in the whole of Germany.

Last year in Ulm a new supermarket called “Delfo” opened its first branch. This was founded by the two ex-Lidl bosses Adriano Lemma and Alessio Frasca, according to a message on “”. With the load in Ulm it will no longer be possible to plant a dozen more branches in the whole of Germany by the end of 2025.

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Ex-Lidl-Chefs green Supermarket with new Konzept

The supermarket has another Konzept, which no longer exists in the vicinity of Supermarkets at Lidl or Aldi. There will be no more new products sold. The name “Delfo” is a wider mirror, which is suitable for “Delicious Food”.

The former Lidl Manager and Gründer von „Delfo“ acknowledged the use of „“ in his vision for the new Supermarket-Kette. Dort bietet man Tiefkühlprodukte with “a unique product quality and quality: From seasonal products to Gourmet-Spezialitäten beets with a perhaps incorrect texture and freshly fried products, which preserve fresh and natural materials.”

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The product can no longer be produced, but it still can not be good. In the event that everything was found, the person was at other Supermarkets able to buy. They fruits and vegetables, meat and sweets or sogar special items such as Italian Reisballchen, Brazilian Açai or Portuguese Pastel de Nata. I am no longer interested in Lidl or Aldi, but all products are deep-frozen.

Eigenmarken-Angebot will soon be announced

“Delfo” has its own brand and sees a Torten from the Konditor from the Ulmer Nachbarschaft, where they will be shock-frorned boats. The two former Lidl managers plan jedoch, the eigenmarken-angebot in Zukunft zu erweitern and Brot and Süßigkeiten in the range of products.

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The business of the two former Lidl Chefs is the first Tiefkühl supermarket in Germany. In Australia, it is the case that in Europe there is a “Picard Surgéle” of the largest business for Tiefkühl products. Since Tiefkühl products in Germany have always been believed. For years, the products have generated a value of 19 billion euros, with an amount of more than 22 billion euros.