
Equally at 40 or 70: Experts report the ideal training in your Alter

Equally at 40 or 70: Experts report the ideal training in your Alter

Wouldn’t it be possible to do something different, to take a fresh look and see how different the world would be? It is a tatsächlich possible, and the best thing is: One can start in every Alter damit. A great effort is made.

Study what happens when our Muskeln is separated from our research and the geistigen healthy behavior. It is not that there is no regularity in integrating the Krafttraining in the Alltag. The sports medicine professor Martin Halle of the Technical University of Munich worked in education with “Zeit Online”, on the intensity of the training of eights: more weight and more people who could use the free time.

Fit in Jedem Alter: Kraft training is the A and O

Power training is an effective tool when it comes to natural muscle training, with the other changes. Halle is convinced that everyone – regardless of the old – can experience sporting success. Even if the general training is continued, a power and interval training can improve the fitness training.

Professor Halle has discovered the sport in alternative studies, in other jewels of other training in the basic:

Children and Youth (up to 20 years)

At that time the muskels are still developing. Sports training takes place in the areas of mobility and fitness, while the Muskelaufbau is forced, the Wachstumsfugen has never been closed.

Junge Erwachsene (up to 35 years)

Here it is cooking on the high signal Leistungsfähigkeit. Kraft and Ausdauer training are extremely effective.

Middle Ages (up to 55 years)

From Mitte 30 beginning of Muskelabbau. Short, intensive training can perform these exercises and the muskelmasse. Other applications: Knee braces, Liegestütze or Planks.

Ältere Erwachsene (up to 75 years)

It is important that the muscle mass exerts itself. Regular Training is separated. Professor Halle concretes the intensive training programs, which are important on an individual basis, are the general risks to minimize.

Seniors (aged 76 and over)

If you choose another way of acting and acting, it is a question of quality. It is a question of an exceptional Wahl, which is no longer of Muskeln, but supports the coordination and the social contact points ermöglicht.

Movement is good for body and spirit

Movement and training are no longer for the kitchen, but for the mind is the most important. If you do that, it takes longer to capture the content and the quality of your words. It is not that you start a training program and are so active in finding your work.

With the right training plan, which can be adjusted to the change and the individual level, you can get a fit and vital body – for example at 40, 50, 60 70 or more. Also: Sports shoes get slimmer and get started!