
FC Ingolstadt nach Niederlage against TSV 1860 Munich Durchschnitt. – To play sports

FC Ingolstadt nach Niederlage against TSV 1860 Munich Durchschnitt. – To play sports

Man must play the game of FC Ingolstadt in the Schutz-nehmen, but can not go further. The stadium speaker war would have a standhaft and his program uninterested, because it is a Heimspiel that – but the fans of the TSV 1860 Munich have worsened their plan, as the line-up has appeared. If the Stadionsprecher also got the names of the jewelry games, the low price answers with a game, which is so appreciated that the name no longer works. The Ingolstädter Fans were not to hear. Where sollten die Spieler also knew, where was the war? What about the interplay of the brothers, it is perhaps so that the football game lasts so long?

The war in Ingolstadt in the Anfangs phase is not as straight on the Platz, as Sechzig am Samstagnachmittag zum oberbayerischen Derby vorbeikam and the Gastgebern with a 1:2 that zweite Niederlage in dieser Saison beibrachte. Aber no, einen Vorwurf wollte Trainer Sabrina Wittmann has not built. Zwar sei ihre Mannschaft “Be the first to earn 15 minutes in a back position” is appreciated, because it is a game. Aber: “I didn’t hate the Gefühl, that was Jung’s final pressure.”

Two Siege, two Lower Layers: Ingolstadt is about to start again for Durchschnitt

It’s good to see in Ingolstadt at some point, if Wittmann’s game is noticed at some point, the game is sweet, but I’m finally a very good, the start of the season with these points on the first three games is the first thing that is relative. Two victories, two defeats and 7:7 tore: That’s a cut – and that’s less, if you’re in Ingolstadt after a rotten season that’s gone wrong. Are Wittmann’s boys also not that good, to give rise to the expected arguments?

The man can not make any choice from the low levels, when the man poses this question. The chances are that the domestic fans will not go to the game anymore, but the game is so much fun that it has won most of the time. Gerade in the Anfangsfase Wittmanns Spieler quickly goes through the youth and provozierten damit – it is a page – the question, how reif and broader positional capability this team is in the early phase of the season is actually beautiful. On the other hand, it is so that now four decisions are an Urteil zu Fallen.

Ingolstadt has played elementary elements in the game, if it is good. So bring the offensive and the finesse and wucht with a guten tagen, but a guter tag war is not so right. The Ingolstädter could not know: the low fans were einfach zu laut.