
Das Rennen in Monza is live!

Das Rennen in Monza is live!

2:00 PM

Hot phase

If a time is to start, it will also take place in the higher phase. At 14:20 the Boxengasse opens, the driver then has the minutes to make his way to the starting position.

In the WM there may be a lead change. McLaren now only works 30 times with a hint of Red Bull and can make a big impression on the Bullen-vorbeiziehen with a double play and a short time.

Anders is in the Driver World Championship from the lines of Verstappen and Norris another 70 points. The Briton has a big chance, he is German and the Dutch have to reassign.

13:22 hours

Sechs Sieger in der Startaufstellung

A small statistic from our large database: In those years the beginning is at the start, the Races in Monza are one of the few business contacts.

Konkret since Fernando Alonso (2007, 2010), Lewis Hamilton (2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018), Charles Leclerc (2019), Pierre Gasly (2020), Daniel Ricciardo (2021) and Max Verstappen (2022, 2023) .

Well, it’s okay, that’s the last name. The top 3 of the start-up position no longer applies to the list …

13:09 hours

Bicycle parade

Fewer than two hours until the start and in Monza the bike parade is running. While you do that, this is one of the many things you can do and extremely hot. You know it when you come from the Vortagen.

Aktuell is more than 30 degrees. Schauen wir mal, we are best with the conditions sour debt settlement.

12:45 pm

Hamilton’s Longer Road to Ferrari

I come to the evil champion years later than first for Ferrari and the start. Signals long way to Scuderia we will be able to take photos during the day:

Fotostrecke: Traumehe in Rot? Lewis Hamilton’s longer road to Ferrari

12:37 pm

Hamilton: Antonelli-Verkündung “disentangling”

After Mercedes got an official contract when Andrea Kimi Antonelli became 2025 for the silver future, now Lewis Hamilton has finally been robbed, that has come to an end.

“I am always happy”, says the Rekordweltmeister und ergänzt: “I knew, that is the next day, it could not be missed, and if I was waiting, it would be very difficult, it would be difficult, that my place would be completely forgotten. “

“Deshalb was heute Morgen sehr, sehr emotional. Aber I’m happy with my time for Kimi and for the Team. Ich weiß, dass Kimi einen tollen Job machen wird”, so the divorced Mercedes pilot.

11:18 am

Spectacle in the small classes

Formula 3 and Formula 2 are very popular in Monza. And in both racing will get a bit of a spectacle. In Formula 3 I have Leonardo Fornaroli crowned master with an overholmanöver in the Parabolica in the last round(!).

After Gabriel Bortoleto won the Rennen, he was born in the Formel 2, after he started a war with the Platz. There is a way to drive with the Safety-Car, but the man who is a natural trotzdem is a purchase first.

The Brazilian is at Sauber and looks at the Audi on the list and that still gives her a small recommendation.

11:07 am

Warum Red Bull Letzter at Topspeeds ist

Although Red Bull has never solved the balance problem, the team is facing a serious problem in qualifying, but the racing team is certain: the man at the Flügeln is a fehler gemacht hat.

When the Heckflügel concept is used in Monza with its arched upper flap looking fascinating, it is not the case that the largest concept, which works for the requests in Monza, is used.

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