
Fallersleben celebrate during the week at the Altstadtfest

Fallersleben celebrate during the week at the Altstadtfest

Close to the Besucher for the Bühnen des Altstadtfests Fallersleben, as a späten Samstagabend with “Quotime” on the Denkmalplatz, “Amy Baker” in the Bahnhofstraße and “Worthy & Zeplin” am Piepenpahl musically in the letzte Runde went. After the Hitze in the Donnerstag and the Regen in the Freitag the Samstag can be a better Wetter or a tausende Besucher in the Altstadt. The party is clear, with a grim atmosphere in Wolfsburg for a higher attractive offer.

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The Festival is, therefore, proud of the Blickpunkt-Vorsitzende Otto Saucke, the largest organized Altstadtfest, which was the result of NDR bestätigt. Since the Eberfest in Vorsfelde and since the Wolfsburger Schützenfest with up to 400,000 visitors are organized major events in the city. The work will not last longer in the course of time for the Ehrenamtlichen. “The excavations, which became part of the General Verfahren or the Umsetzungsverfahren, became larger, and it will no longer be so light for the round of votes,” Saucke said.

Fahrgeschöfte wie der Autoscooter zogen zahlreiche Besucher an.

Fahrgeschöfte wie der Autoscooter zogen zahlreiche Besucher an.

If there is a war with the Blickpunkt Fallersleben a big party gelungen. Statt der urpsrünglich angekündigten 83 Verkaufsstände was es am Ende sogar more as 90. Neuerungen wie die Chill-Out-Bühne am Piepenpahl and das in diesem nor a large Street-Food-Festival on the Hoffmannwiese kamen sehr gut an. Etwa elf Monate sei sein Team with the previous civilization, such as Otto Saucke.

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34 Acts per three days

A total of 34 show acts were performed over the three days, including a puppy stage, performances by TV Jahn Kinder, DJs and of course a whole bunch of live music from local matadors including the “Rock Cover Club” and absolutely professional bands including “Quotime”, the songs of the band “Status Quo” are played and performed in one of their favourite boat shows. If you are delayed by a minute, it could happen that you end up in the public eye.

The offer of classical street musicians is his rock and punk music. Musically one of the great musical wars Wolfsburger Singer-Songwriter in Maren Schaefer, who performs his own compositions on the stage in Piepenpahl. The young Frau war first started with a fallen law and carried out the line with composition, singing and guitar playing. It is a Hauch by Joan Baez in the air.

Zahlreiche Buden boats Stärkungen an.

Zahlreiche Buden boats Stärkungen an.

Whoever gets to work with the Wolfsburger Band “Stürmer Deluxe” in the war, will experience a big party with its energetic music show and perhaps German pop songs together with the audience. It is a war that haunts a band for two years, but the war has started with the first Wolfsburger Konzert der Band, which dies in the best price of the year that year.

The Fallersleber veteran Ralf Wege reported on stage on Saturday with his new new band “Rock it”. The sextett plays rock music that has been played through the years and is formed by a busy audio source. The band “Amy Baker” in the Wolfsburger Musikhof ansässige Band “Badge Amy Baker” verzückt the audience in the Bahnhofstraße with humorous punk interpretation of pop songs. If the audience is like that, it starts to sing and sing.

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Read more about the Display

In short, the Altstadtfest Fallersleben was once again a joyful event with one of its wide culinary and art offers. The organizers will go through a few times before the people come into the planning for the following years.