
Inklusionscafè – Sozialprojekt soll Fischamender Stadtkern wiederbeleben

Inklusionscafè – Sozialprojekt soll Fischamender Stadtkern wiederbeleben

“We have a positive attitude and the people who live there will be blessed,” said Bürgermeister Thomas Ram (RAM). So the new Inclusion Cafe for two Persons with an underlying service delay was not self-reliant. Etwa 28,000 Menschen mit Behinderungen since in sogenannten Werkstätten in Österreich beschäftigt. Je nach Bundesland has an amount of 35 and 100 Euro „Taschengeld“ pro Monat.

Often it is the case that sales on the labor market are so brisk that we can find a full-time employment contract überfordert. We will use the labor times that we need. Then people can gather at their own pace of professional experience”, says Ram. Man is convinced that the fact that the bet was not taken over is undermined by a failed project flaw.

Nach Gastrosterben wichig für die Stadt

Another Vorteil des Inclusiescafès is the Wiederbelebung of the Stadtkerns. “Gerade in Zeiten, we were happy with your business, you will enjoy your stay at a coffee house in the center,” says Ram. Den Fokus will man the Frühstück sets. Später können auch Mittagsmenüs dazukommen. It won’t take longer than 7 hours.

Self-evidently, the local barriers must be taken into account and the toilets in the first stock are finished, and the man himself is ready for an outdoor WC from the company “öKlo” in the Gastgarten. Die Umbaumaßnahmen sollen bis Ende Oktober abgeschlossen sein, spatesten im Jänner will man offiziell eröffnen. The Stadtgemeinde will receive a sanitation wall worth 60,000 euros.

Ideals Betreiber with Benno Kallinger founded

For the business of the locals, tastes personal with psychosocially more balanced results. With Benno Kallinger he has founded the ideal worker: “I have to work with 17 fears as the underlying worker. It has been 30 years of children’s, youth and experience fun. Dafür schlägt mein Herz, da komme ich here“, says the common Vorarlberger.

After the fish was sucked in 1988, the gastronomy involvement in the tennis hall of Schwiegervaters Walter Augsberger. “I had then as good children and earned so little in the social work. The war was not great, also in a waiter and in his silence gemissen”, said Kallinger. If you are social, you have developed the art, which is the enchantment.

If the Jugendlichen War is local, there is no doubt about the recovery of Konsumzwang. “That is a war that is a Jugendzentrum,” says Ram, himself as a Jugendlicher Gerne Dort War. “This is the time when tennis is not a truly elitist sport. “Für die Arbeiter meines Schwiegervaters wurde the fairest beer in Fischamend angeboten and thus trafen more Welten aufeinander and tauschten themselves,” said Kallinger.

His last worker was the association “Youth at Work”, where there was a living area. “It is a night shift that has its own service room with the customers. That is the man who is a family member. Man goes through the dick and dunn”, Kallinger explains. If you have done a job once, you have to have a new job. There is a small impact on the social economy.

The postponed ticket for your use at the Inclusion Café on the Wille der Stadtgemeinde, a full service delay and no bag money supplement. “Für mich ist das Inklusion pure and diesen Schritt I find ich enormous mutig von der Stadtgemeinde,” said Kallinger. Eines der Hauptziele sei, de Betrieb kostenlosend zu führen.

Fischamend gründet Sozialverein

“There is an appeal to the Gründung of a Vereins, while the social projects of the community will be continued. That was it, it was in the region that it was about”, says Ram. Thus the Stadtgemeinde in Zusammenarbeit with AMS or Land Menschen, the versedener Beeinträchtigungen on the Arbeitsmarkt schwierig are, helfen. A name for the Verein is no different.