
Gemeinsame Kolumne by Carla Biasini and Martina Wüthrich

Gemeinsame Kolumne by Carla Biasini and Martina Wüthrich

Carla Biasini and Martina Wüthrich have written a column, which quickly does a few Arbeitsstelle activities and lasts longer on a good surf.

Carla Biasini is co-leader of the Kantonsbibliothek Uri and Kolumnistin of the Urner Zeitung.

Carla Biasini is co-leader of the Kantonsbibliothek Uri and Kolumnistin of the Urner Zeitung.

Image: zvg

We will be standing in the office tomorrow, dressed in dark blue. Smooth cut. If there is a garment that covers the knee, the other end is ready. But otherwise: Quickly identical. We will have a look, not be very, and laugh. It is not that this is not the case: it will not often happen that you see a generous high quality. This Siamese journey will take a quick time before one of the best opportunities exists to stay longer “on a good surf”. If it is good, it will split with the Arbeit, the Vernortung and the connection of the view in Verhältnis 3:2 on. Now well, the Vernortung is no longer in this Verhältnis share. The last thing we do is our debt on Schultern. I can reach an overloaded situation and anxiety, whereby half the weight of one of the cases will disappear. This is the Jobsharing Rechnung, in the autumn of Topsharing.