
Brandursache unklar – Himberg: Three Lkw neben Dieseltankstelle ausgebrannt

Brandursache unklar – Himberg: Three Lkw neben Dieseltankstelle ausgebrannt

On the night of Freitag to Samstag, the Himberger Feuerwehr-kurz would be a Fahrzeugbrand at a tank station at the B15 Ortsumfahrung-alarmiert after 9 p.m. “Expanding the automatic fire alarm system (BMA) and the LNG gas tank, which automatically activates the fire alarms, ensures that the fire alarm system is activated automatically. “Bereits während der Anfahrt has the Einsatzkräfte per Funk de Notification, that more Vehicle brenner würden,” said Fire Commandant and Einsatzleiter Wolfgang Ernst.

When you make a purchase, after a first investigation, find out that three construction vehicles on the site are a construction company in Vollbrand stands. When you discover a fuel and diesel tank station, it is not likely that there is a problem with your fan, while Commandant Ernst thinks.

“But the concerns about fire protection and the environmental impact of the hydrant network are of great concern to the Einsatzkräften from Himberg and from the German Defense Forces from Pellendorf, Velm and Maria Lanzendorf,” so Ernst. At 10 p.m., the time was right for control, completely without a few nachlöschen must-sees.

Derzeit ist de Brandursache noch klart. The police have taken the roads of the higher authorities and damage compensation roads for fire protection. Insgesamt were 70 Feuerwehrleute of four Feuerwehren in the Rote Kreuz vor Ort. They let us have enough energy back at 01.00 a.m. from. “We can thank all the nachbarfeuerwehren involved and give them credit for the thoughtful expression of gratitude,” says Defense Force Commander Wolfgang Ernst.

Feuerwehr Himberg Lkw Brand 30.8.2024

When we do a research on the brand under control.

Fire Weather Himberg