
Ohne AfD wants to stabilize Verhältnisse in Thuringia

Ohne AfD wants to stabilize Verhältnisse in Thuringia

DJ WAHL-BLOG/Höcke: Ohne AfD keine stabilen Verhältnisse in Thuringia

The overview in Kurzmeldungen zu Einschätzungen around the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia:

Höcke: Ohne AfD stabilizes Verhältnisse in Thuringia

The AfD Spitzencandidate for Thuringia, Björn Höcke, has made a bet with the Landesregierung by forcing the Absagen of other Parteien. “Man would never have started before, if a stable Verhältnisse für Thuringia wants,” he said in the ZDF, after his party with the Landtagswahl had become the strongest party in the East German Bundesland. In Thuringia, man has had a minority government for many years. “Ein Weiter-so kann es in diesen Konstellationen nicht geben. Ohne the AfD einzubinden, gibt es keine Stabilität for Thuringia,” it said. The Thuringian-hätten für Veränderungen gewählt.

Kretschmer schließt für Sachsen Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD aus

The Saxony CDU Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has taken control of the AfD over the postponed budget. Other people were with the other parties who had a human reason, the man for the country was a woolly man who got credit in the ZDF. His halt is: “With Demut dem Land serves and sees, ob man zusammen kommt”, says in ZDF.

CDU/Voigt holds first talks with SPD in Thuringia

The Thuringian CDU Spitzencandidate Mario Voigt sees a Regierungsauftrag for his party and will give a Regierungsauftrag reason with the SPD. “The CDU is the strongest kraft paper in the political middle. And we will continue the discussion and load it,” he said in the ARD. The SPD has been fighting the wind through the Ampel-Koalition in Berlin as a respectable Ergebnis-erzielt. “And that’s my first answer,” he says. At the Frage nach einem Koalitionspartner Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), Voigt, the man in the Ruhe das Ergebnis, said about the muse. “I understand that it would be nice to have such a personal relationship with you,” he says.

Take a look at the stable management in Thuringia

The CDU candidate for the CDU in Thuringia, Mario Voigt, is ready to gain stable control in Thuringia. “Trotz der herausfordernden Zahlen seehen wir a large Chance, durch Gespräche z einer Mehrheitsregierung zu kommen. Therefore, these conversations were also continued,” said Voigt in der ARD. The CDU has taken the lead, it is a German signal. “That Ampel has been punished and will be punished by the political policies in Thuringia that the consequences will be lost,” said Voigt. The idea that the AfD could achieve more Wähler in Thuringia, while the bad politics of the Regierungsparteien in Berlin, was a great source of frustration for Wählern, who had a lot of support.

Kretschmer: In Saxony there is no protest wave

In Saxony, it is about the Einschätzung of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer who is protesting. “The people have a trust here in Saxony. They have not made a protest decision”, said Kretschmer after the first forecasts of Wahl. A stable direction for the country is possible, so Kretschmer. The CDU in Saxony continues to take responsibility. The forecast of the ZDF comes from the CDU at 32 percent of the votes, now for the AfD, which comes at 31.5 percent of the votes. The CDU has reached a value of 0.1 percent, while the AfD has reached a value of 4 percent.

Chrupalla sieht für AfD in Thuringia klaren Regierungsauftrag

The Wahlergebnis in Thuringia is the AfD-Co-Bundesvorsitzende Tino Chrupalla a clearer Regierungsauftrag for his party and for a Regierungsbeteiligung in Thuringia and in both East German Bundesländern. “Der Wählerwille ist, dass es here a Politikwechsel geben soll – in Saxony who in Thuringia,” said Chrupalla im ZDF. Some people in Saxony will become a strong party, no matter how a man has a Regierungsauftrag.

Weidel: AfD-Ergebnisse in Thuringia and Saxony is historic

AfD federal chair Alice Weidel sees her party’s previous Wahlen victory in Thuringia as historic. “We have become the strongest force in the Landtag Wahlen for the first time,” he said in the ARD. In Saxony, the AfD has never played a major role in the last Wahlen. “It is also a punishment of the Ampel at the same time,” said the party’s fellow researchers. “It is a requiem for this coalition. A great film that any other director could produce. Spätestens with the Brandenburg Wahlen will be those fragments after new developments.”

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September 1, 2024 1:32 PM ET (5:32 PM GMT)

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