
Delivery hero: Talabat-Börsengang – All details

Delivery hero: Talabat-Börsengang – All details

The Lebensmittellieferant Delivery Hero (ISIN: DE000A2E4K43) plans a Börsengang blessing Nahost-Einheit Talabat on the Dubai Financial Market and prepares for the fourth quarter 2024 before.

Rocket Internet in February 2015 for 150 million. Euro 100 Prozent der Anteile an Talabat, ainem Anbieter im Bereich Online- und mobiler Essenlieferdienste mit Hauptsitz in Kuwait.

While Talabat’s investment company is a challenge, local investors in the region are involved in investing money, said Niklas Östberg, CEO and Mitgründer of Delivery Hero.

A note can be a secondary purchase of Aktien by Delivery Hero, which means that the Mehrheitsbeteiligung one of the local Notierungsgesellschaft after a Börsengang erhalten bleibe, so das Unternehmen.

Delivery Hero is available for further details. Details will be available during the planting process. It’s not like this is a statistical finding.

The potential business development of Talabat is based on the market conditions, which generate a prospect during the paper processing supplies and the free time through the management and guidance of Delivery Hero.

Der Nahe Osten has a great power over Delivery Hero’s deliveries in part of the Mena region (Mittlerer Osten and North Africa).