
Landtagswahl in Saxony: Grimmas Oberbürgermeister gewinnt Direktmandat

Landtagswahl in Saxony: Grimmas Oberbürgermeister gewinnt Direktmandat

Grimma. Am Mittag sees Grimmas parteloser Oberbürgermeister Matthias Berger in the örtlichen Schwimmhalle fast 100 Bahnen. There are three things you can do if you get the thought going: from racing, to sitting on the hunt and – to swimming. When the Beckensteigt clears up the headline and says who this is: “If we can’t have any fractions, I won’t be in Dresden.”

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There is a Wahlabend in the state capital that deals with Berger, the lead candidate for the Freien Wähler. “I became that, it was a longed-for experience.” When life began when this happened, it was a bewildered affair. Daran was never heard: “Ich begünde Projekte. Een genügend Mitstreiter. If an acorn fighter was made, the waterfall did not fall into the Landtag.” There was a wolle verändern, said Berger am Mittag. It is not that there is talk of a populist policy in Kauf.

When you are at the Dresdner Marriott Courtyard Hotel Punkt, 18 hours over the prospects, the Leinwand flickers, while the Freien Wähler comes into its own. Berger is calmer: With careful consideration, the Party, for those who are concerned, has done well. “Aber abwarten, der Abend ist noch lang,” said Grimmas OBM.

Thomas Weidinger, one of the Sachsens participants: “Berger is the best Spitzen candidate who has found his strength. There is an overview of the Campaign.” Now that you are free, you will be happy with your wishes and that you will receive a Direct Mandate and the Einzug in the Landtag will not buy it. One of the aussichtsreichen Wahlkreise sei der von Berger, so Weidinger.

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Blumen gießen, Hunde ausführen, Überweisungen tätigen

Bergers Wahltag starts shortly after five o’clock. There are flowers in the secret garden and it is then possible to see both dogs in the forest. Apoll is a hunting dog, Tessa comes from Tierheim. 10.30 o’clock there are first interviews. Zwischendurch sits at the Rechner and brings private grazings on the way. A few things that happen together: the posts that take place during the Knöllchen vom Tirol-Urlaub and “fette Rechnungen” for the Wahlwerbung.

At Wahlsonntag, Grimmas Oberbürgermeister Matthias Berger (parteilos) went to see them in the Mittagszeit in the Schwimmhalle, about 100 Bahnen away.

At Wahlsonntag, Grimmas Oberbürgermeister Matthias Berger (parteilos) went to the Mittagszeit in the Schwimmhalle, about 100 Bahnen to see them.

If it is bad, Berger can have a few small amounts. Ins Wahllokal must is not: “I have indeed requested by letter”, says the city manager. The question after letter selection was therefore extreme. “It is peculiarly strange, but perhaps it is so that Wahler has no guarantee that it will be fractioned, but the offenses will never be excluded. These misdemeanors are intended for the general immunity. It is all so that you will lead a number of Wahlvorstände and Wahlhelfer.”

He hasn’t earned anything, Berger points out. “They all have a good job.” I would like to look at a few Wahllokal and thank everyone personally. “I was already in a single place, but I was not happy with the situation, the Wähler would be happy in the future.” Of course, it is not the same as the others: “Grimma is a tolle city, with tollen people and toller treatment.” .“ And yes, it is all possible.

There is a war going on in the fight against the AfD.

Matthias Berger

Mayor of Grimma

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Aber alle massgeblichen Vorhaben seien auf den Weg: Glasphaserausbau, Gewerbegebiet, Mehrzweckhalle. “I was very pleased with the Project Gern, who was happy with my work in good hands,” says Berger. And yet it is an attack on Baustelle who squeezes into the Bahnhof. “Yes, I am unfriended with the Nicht-Fortschritt.” Sprach’s en fährt am Nachmittag with the family of the Wahlparty nach Dresden. Derweil lauft in Grimma die Wahl weiter. Viele Grimmaer speaks of gemischten gefühlen.

Grimmaer since hind and hergerissen

Rentner Detlef Erfurth, owner of Zerspaner in Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, no longer goes to the final traffic signaler Stimmabgabe: “It was wirklich sehr knifflig. Herr Berger is non mal der Mann, one of the most vertreten soll in Dresden. Leader.” Leader? “No, we will get into trouble. Those people who live in Grimmaer are happy with their work.” Berger has probably become a supporter of the city, his steadfast and friendly attitude: “If I meet in an der Tankstelle, it is always great. I can see the others that were present.”

Ranko Balog, a Serb, lives in Grimma.

Ranko Balog, a Serb, lives in Grimma.

If it is good, if a citizen comes from the tribe, then it is vertritt, finds Angestellter Ranko Balog. Der Serbe, who has been in Grimma for 25 years, has an advantage over Berger’s Spitzenkandidatuur among the free Wählern: “Every man wants to be higher one day. Herr Berger is a more intelligent man, the people may enter the politics that will be needed in Dresden.” Berger sees a man of the people: “There is a package to Subbotnik, is a triathlon-dabei and an unterstützte mich, Hilfsgüter in his überfluit Serbian to bring. “

Thomas Knoblich is the Speaker of the Grimmaer Feuerwehr.

Thomas Knoblich is the Speaker of the Grimmaer Feuerwehr.

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Ähnlich said to Feuerwehrmann Thomas Knoblich: “Berger is a Macher. Unvergessen ist seine Rolle bij de Grimmaer Hochwasserkatastrofen 2002 und 2013. Schon damals are Entscheidungen auf seine Kappe. Stichwort Müll. Be that as it may, it was separated, where the Stadt in Dreck erstickt.“ Wenn Berger in Dresden fell so in Grimma, would be nur gut für Sachsen sein.

There are things that Berger says after Dresden, Dachdeckermeister Johannes Heine, Berger’s long-term political path: “Other things must be done in the Landtag, which can be changed.” There is a Berger who goes further, that is the Rathaus, which has an Unternehmen führe . “There’s a lot that motivates you and makes you think you can do this. Online availability is available 24/7.”

Dachdeckermeister und Grimmas stellvertretender Bürgermeister Johannes Heine (Freie Wähler) zeit sich kampfeslustig.

The long-term success of Grimmaer Dachdeckermeister Johannes Heine was gilded as a political exile by Matthias Berger.

Gerhard Gey, ex-CDU Landrat, is Grimmaer. “I am in the city with a lot of conversation and pleasure, so my Lord Berger now has a few more themes. That may lie, that the Freien Wähler in Vorhersagen not that entscheidende Rolle played. ” Sein Verhältnis zu Berger not free from Reibungen gewesen, gesteht Gey: “Bei all Merits für Grimma muss Berger aufpassen, that there is Debt – wofür auch ever immer – not immer nur bei others sucht.”

If there is damage, says Steffi Laube, when Berger went to Dresden. Einziger Trost: Sein möglicher Abschied bedeute auch die Chance zum Neuanfang: „Wenn jemand lange an der Täte ist, besteht immer die Gefahr festgefahrener Strukturen.“ Ihr Partner Dietmar sieht die Spitzenkandidatur Bergers schreef: „Er is 2022 für sieben Jahre as OBM gewählt worden . However, there can be no question of one because it was different machen wollen. It is possible to work auch nicht.”

Steffi Laube and his partner Dietmar on the Heimweg in Wahllokal.

Steffi Laube and his partner Dietmar on the Heimweg in Wahllokal.

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But Berger was a different machen kann anyway, is still not clear. In the Wahlkreis it is sweet that AfD-Mann Jörg Dornau has a Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen. „Matthias, my information about who you want to see“, view the Wurzener Thomas Schumann about the Grimmaer Spitzenkansen Berger on the market. Schumann himself made a Wahlkreis 24 and a best ride with Berger, a common Wahlkampf-Auftritte.

If there is a duell between you and the AfD, Berger says and you see an anchor one: “Was always at the end of the battle, the way is the soul.” The country brauche urgent change, see aber auf Bestand ausgelegt: “Meine Frau, The First Lady is no longer active and if she has political power in her hands, her share of power is distributed among the Wahlzetteln that is the CDU when it is strong. Die Frage is lawful. I am dafür, that the next step is to be fulfilled.”

Go to Ergebnis holds Berger den Wahlkreis 23 vor Dornau. It is one of the main candidates for the Freien Wähler, the Sprung in Dresden with its own Kraftpapier hat. If you take a look at the whole world or under those circumstances, whoever, OBM in Grimma bleibt, will not be separated in that night. „Then this one Sitz could become the Zünglein an der Waage.“