
BBL: Fehlstart & Verletzte: Neue Saison, alte Probleme für Alba Berlin | Sports mix

BBL: Fehlstart & Verletzte: Neue Saison, alte Probleme für Alba Berlin | Sports mix

In three weeks, Vice Master Alba Berlin will start the new season at Veolia Towers Hamburg in the Easycredit Basketball-Bundesliga. Bis dahin liegt vor der Mannschaft von Trainer Israel Gonzalez (49) nor een Menge Arbeit …

During the Euroleague Team test, 1000 fans in Oranienburg won the Hamburger 74:81 (38:44). The runderneuerten guests (zehn-neue) can be in the previous phase – for this war is the fun game (four sieges).

Schon Ende der Vergangen Saison fehlten Alba zahlreiche verletzte Leistungsträger. This is not the case. New Saison – other problems!

Alba Berlin begins with Niederlage in the Vorbereitung: Neue Saison – alte Probleme!

González should get the North German eye on the three Stammspieler controls: Aufbau-Talent Ziga Samar (23/Achillessehnen-Anriss) needed after his OP In the beginning May Team-Doc Gerald Ackerl “still a few weeks, a new full rise to be able to”. Martin Hermansson (29/Wade) and Matt Thomas (30) were missed. Summer-Zugang Trevion Williams (23/cam from Ulm) war handicapped by a tooth treatment, played after that handsome 22 minutes (7 points, 7 rebounds). At the Towers you will find the day “now” of the new Centre Kur Kuath (26/Magen-Darm).

Best Berliner Werfer war Matteo Spagnolo (21) with 14 Punkten. The Italian has a season with a foot injury plagued and is no longer suitable. Genau with Gabriele Procida (22/Patellasehne).

SPORT BILD Award3×3 Basketball players with “Newcomer des Jahres”

SPORT BILD Prize: 3x3 Basketball players since "Newcomer of the year"

Source: BILD

Grote Baustelle am Sonntag: de 21 Ball-Verluste der Berliner, die teilweise aber durch de frühen Zeitpunkt der Vorbereitung erklaren lassen. And when Gonzalez fell in the 12th frame, he turned around.

The next game of the Albatrosses takes place on Saturday in Bernau against BBL-Konkurrent Rostock Seawolves (17:00). From 11 to 15 September the team flies to the „Gloria Cup“ after Antalya/Turkey. Try to perform the heart test on the European weight of Anadolu Efes Istanbul, Zalgiris Kaunas and Tofas Spor.