
Strengthening of the soil and plant health with biostimulants

Strengthening of the soil and plant health with biostimulants

The difference in the quality of the soil can be of great benefit to agricultural production. The Auswirkungen are a reflection of the soil conditions in the Landwirtschaft and are severe.

If you are experiencing serious problems, the problem is no different. It may happen that there are problems with the water serverschmutzung, the sustainability of the organic food and the high level of gas emission at.

Die Bedeutung des Bodengesundheitsmanagements

The Soil Health Institute and Cargill are carrying out a project, a landwirte with the economics information he provides, which are useful, a separated, with soil clean Verfahren and Systeme anwenden wollen. The 100 fragmented Landwirte companies cover 1,940 hectares of Ackerland, of which 85 Prozent der Fläche Direktsaat and 53 Prozent der Fläche Untersaat einsets. The landwirte, the direct use, tun dies in the Durchschnitt since 19 years, the Landwirte, the Deckfrüchte anbauen, in the Durchschnitt since new years. 67 Prozent der befragten Landwirte gaben an, dass sie door de Einsatz eines Bodengesundheitsmanagementsystems höhere Erträge therezielten.

If you pay the land costs of the corn farm with a soil condition system, it costs US$ 24.00 per ha, and the soybean farm US$ 16.57 per ha less. From all 100 companies scaffolded Bodengesundheitssysteme das Nettoeinkommen von 85 Prozent der Maisanbauer and 88 percent of the soybean farmers. Based on standardization of prices for the soil management system of the net business of 100 Landwirte has a value of 51.60 US-$/acre for the majority and 44.89 US-$/acre for Soybeans. The landwirte reports from others about their soil management systems, which offer a large broader state of affairs, are extremely good beds and a good choice for their Feldern.

Schlüssel indicators for the Bodengesundheit

The Soil Health Institute has identified Schlüsselwerte as separate indicators: Soil aggregation, high organic matter in soils and active soil microbes. The Reichstum and the Vielfalt der Bodenmikroben can influence the Wachstum and the Productivity of the Pflanzen and play an important role for the Pflanzengesundheit. Microbes in the Rhizosphäre, the Arbuskuläre Mykorrhizapilze (AMF) are invested, more than 80 Prozent aller Landpflanzen, einschließlich Nutzpflanzen.

AMF takes a symbiont approach with a detergent and a good Wirtspflanze, a carbohydrate and other carbon-binding products. Der Kohlenstoff, de während des Wachstums aus de Wurzeln and später als Wurzelrückstand freigesetzt wird, plays a separate role at the Erhöhung des Kohlenstoffgehalts in Boden. I am the AMF Reichsweiter of the Wurzelsystems der Pflanze. The natural environment has a better flow of fresh substances, better water and storage and also a higher stress tolerance. AMF worked on the soil aggregation and structure, was the speicherung von Wasser, Nährstoffen und Kohlenstoff in Boden fördert.

A new instrument for improving soil and plant health

In agriculture, biostimulation has wrongly increased the potential of soil and financing possibilities for large quantities. The biostimulators of Acadian Plant Health (APH) ensure that they cause a number of artificial and disease symptoms. This innovative technology stimulated the root growth, which makes the growth of AMF and useful bacteria and improves for soil health. The technology of Acadian is a very high level, the biomass is significant and powerful of microbiome, which makes the connections Zwische root systems and Mycorrhiza pills four weeks after application a bis zu 211 Main reason.

The biostimulants of Acadian have been developed through research, it is a series of bioactive compounds, the synergistic effect and the vitality of the body and the comprehensive planning. The biostimulants of Acadian enthaltene Alginsaure can have a dual function in the representation of soil and soil protection. They work as chelating agents, the substance that is bound and for the plant roots becomes absorbent power. If the substance is deformed and sealed, then the mixture will be used for your non-own mineral minerals. It is worth using alginsaure as a source of nourishment for useful soil microbes and promotes a healthy soil microbiome, which supports the health and the growth of plants. There is now a snapshot of the complex bioactive compounds that occur in the technology of Acadian.

Acadian Plant Health biostimulants are unhealthy food for soil and health protection. Through the synergistic action of organic acids, oligosaccharides, betaine, mannitol, algins and fucose-containing polysaccharides, these biostimulants no longer work through soil health, but can provide plants with better protection and thus contain more food and higher pro-products duktivität. When integrating APH biostimulation into agricultural practice, sustainable, broader stands and productive crop systems can be developed.

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