
New coach for the 2024/2025 season – SV Darmstadt 98 – Forum | Page 6

New coach for the 2024/2025 season – SV Darmstadt 98 – Forum | Page 6

Quote from D’Ableiben

Quote from Table Mountain

An Eintracht Fan from Darmstadt with Connecticut by Lilien behauptet Urs Fischer supports the Unterschrift.
I don’t know the user, I am Zweifel and the Seriosität

Think of the fun of your day, which will not last any longer

It is impossible to perform extremely one-sided editing, if so, no one can “vor der Unterschrift” stehenn kann. First conversations führen über die Ziele, Kader grob analyzes. Größenordnung des Gehalts abstecken. Co’s usw discuss.
Absolutely not possible, this is as fast as possible.
It is a wonder that the man can wait any longer for his concretely-traded hat. And that is the voorstelbar.

After all, Fischer was self-confident a top trainer. There is an own opinion about how we are in the royal thinking.

It is never the case that the Sache, in the future, is a sports leader, Vorstand Sport or Geschäftsführer Sport, or whoever has the position if you have title, zum Geschäft gehört, sich mit Trainerkandidaten will reward and exploit you. Also on the Geschäftführerbene ist Networking a part of the jobs. Jonas Boldt has done a bad thing, but his normal course of business is a bit deshalb, damn man, if a man sees a bedarf hat, he will not have any problems in the future. It has been said that the work of the track is done and that I have found a nachvollziehbar.

If someone now makes a discovery, it is of course another Blatt, who has more time on the work floor to stop his work and once said, a reaction that this Leute has never made. If I can also imagine, then Fernie, now gar not mal mit dem concrete Ziel vor Augen, Lieberbnecht zu firen, the active one ist, because, as said, is simply his Job.


Footprints in the sands of time are not made by sitting down.